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Dear friend,

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Dear friend,

Today is the first day of school end of summer. Elena is still acting like she is fine sounding like a broken record with 'I'm fine on repeat. It's starting to piss me off to be honest, but I get it we went through a lot. I don't really have any big plans today just go to school ignore people if they ask if I am ok, so I don't have to lie. Smoke with Jer even though if Elena found out she would kill us both no joke. Then Matt is probably going to ask me to talk to Elena again. As last year she broke up with him. He had big life plans he wanted with her, and she just wasn't sure if she wanted that or maybe she wasn't sure if she wanted that with him. For whatever reason she did it I will probably never hear the end of it. Oh, and there is a full moon  coming soon. I need to make up some lie of why I need to be gone all night. I am surprised they haven't caught on that something is up. I mean I never really leave other than once or so a mouth to go break my bones then I am back in the morning. Maybe they just don't want to question me. Well anyways I will tell you all about my day when I get home.

Love, Michaela.

•.¸ ❤️ ¸.•

Michaela sighed softly looking at the words she wrote

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Michaela sighed softly looking at the words she wrote. She then puts the journal in her bag as she walks downstairs dressed and ready to go. "Toast. I can make toast." She hears Jenna say. This was her first day of her getting them ready for school by herself and that made her giggle a little as Elena answer with. "It's all about the coffee. Aunt Jenna." "Is there coffee?" Her and Jeremy both say. Jeremy just walking over and takes Elena's cup as she grabs a coffee cup and pours herself some. Elena just grabbing another cup and pouring herself more. "It's your first day of school and I am totally unprepared... lunch money?" "I'm good." Elena says as Michaela and Jeremy grab the money. She grabs her bag and house key. "Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" "Don't you have a big presentation today?" "I am meeting with my thesis advisor Crap." Aunt Jenna says quickly grabbing her stuff. "Then go. we'll be fine." Jenna leaves as Elena asked Michaela and Jeremy if they were ok. Jeremy said something and Michaela just walked out the door as one of her friends Tyler from her school was there to pick her up. She laughs a little as she talks to him. Tyler parks as she gets out and grabs her bag. They walk to the back of the school. "Here Jer." She hands him the money from Jenna, and he hands her weed. Tyler tries to fight Jeremy and Vicki stops him and then they kiss. "Hey, you two get a room with that shit." Michaela says as she puts her weed in a small bag then in her book bag. She walks into the school and walks to her locker as she sees Elena follow Jeremy into the boy's bathroom. "Well, that's going to be fun..." She whispered. She sighed as she walks to her class. Blah blah blah is all she heard as the teacher talks about a bunch of shit she didn't care about. She lays her head on the desk as she sighed softly looking and listening as the teacher speaks or at least listening best she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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