Yes Men (68)

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"Sif, stay calm."
Lorelei had escaped. And Sif was out of her mind.
"We'll find them. Every agent in the area is out there, looking."
"To what end? The collar-"
Sif smashed a golden collar on the table. A special collar, which could prevent Lorelei from speaking.
"-has been broken!"
She really was angry.
"Short of that, we have no means to end her enchantment."
"Let me worry about that," Coulson said. "Stay here. And try not to punch a hole into my airplane."
Andromeda, who was also in the room, rolled her eyes.
"In that case, I am affraid there is only a plan B."
The room changed into a forest. Andromeda gave Sif an axe.
"It's an illusion. But chopping wood will calm you down."
"I hate you sometimes."
Sif took the axe from Andromeda, and started to chop wood.
"You will be grateful later."


"Ah, lady Simmons. Is your friend doing better?"
Andromeda passed Simmons in the hallway.
"Yeah... Thank you. What is-"
"It I exactly did to her? Nothing you want to know, because you don't believe in magic."
She wanted to walk further, but Simmons wasn't done with her.
"Magic is scientiffically impossible-"
"Because you are seeking a scientiffic solution behind everything!" Andromeda replied. "You are only thinking with your mind, lady Simmons. You should be ashamed of yourself. And don't you dare arguing with me, or imaging about disecting an Asguardian. If I find out, something far more worse will happen to you then only dying. Understood?"
Andromeda did not wait for a response, but walked further, past the bunks, to walk into May at the kitchen.
"Weren't you going a bit hard on her?" She whispered.
"I told her the truth."
"She is still a child," May hissed. "And showing them the real you is more frightening them than doing any good."


"No sign of them in any surroundings around the city."
They had seen Lorelei on sercurity cameras in a hotel. When they had come there, she was long gone. Fitz had searched for them through the cameras in the city, but had found nothing.
"It was a long shot," Coulson said. "Ward knows how we work. He must have avoid cameras."
"Well, I expanded my search. I have satellite support running. We'll find them. I do have a bit of good news," Fitz grinned. "I fixed Lorelei's neck collar."
"Let me inspect it to be sure," Sif said. "Asguardian metal is much diffrent from the metal on this planet."
"Sure," Fitz said. "But I think you'll find it hard to snuff. It's up in your room."
Sif left with Fitz, while Coulson, May, and Andromeda stayed behind in the cargo hold.
"The two of you," Andromeda said. "You both know it, hm?"
"I had my thoughts," May said. "But you've just confirmed them."
"Not running-"
"But taking up your main threat," May said. They could feel that the plane took off, and they heard someone banging on the walls.
Fitz had locked Sif in.
"Oh my," Andromeda said. "Sif needs my help."
She disappeared, while Coulson and May ran upstairs. Coulson ran into Fitz, while May... She ran into someone else.
"Aren't you the brave one."
Lorelei had come out of the cockpit.
"You took my plane," May said. "I want it back."
"Well, we can't always get what we want," Lorelei said. "Actually... I can."
She smashed May to the other side of the plane, literally. And gods, that did hurt. In the meanwhile in the cockpit, Ward pressed some buttons. In the cage, the roof went open. Sif tried with all her power, but the wind sucked her out of the plane. Right into an air forcefield of Andromeda.
"Well, seems I have my fun after all."
"I still hate you!" Sif shouted above the sound of the wind.
"I know!" Andromeda shouted back. "We need to wait until the airlock opens again!"
Well enough, it opened back in seconds. Andromeda pushed Sif inside, and she teleported herself back inside the plane, into the hallway with the bunks. Lorelei was Sif her party. She would help May.
May was in a hell of a fight with Ward, and Andromeda knipped with her fingers. Ward gasped for air.
"Oops. That were your lungs."
"Andromeda no-!"
"Your kidneys-"
He was full of pain.
"And your heart."
And... He was dead. May wasn't happy about that. At all.
"What. Have. You. Done?!" She hissed. Andromeda clapped in her hands, and Ward came back to life again, gasping for air.
"I? I did nothing."
"May... What happend?"
At the same moment, Sif came out of the cage, with Lorelei, chained.
"You helped her, but you did not help me?"
"You would have killed me, if I would have disturbed your fight with your enemy," Andromeda replied.
"May... why are you looking at me like that?" Ward said.
"He should be back to normal again," Andromeda said.
May punched him in the face.
"Good to know."


"My apologies. The damage cause your flying boat was unfortunate."
"It's been worse," May said.
"I assure you, Lorelei will be punished severely for the crimes against your people," Sif continued. "She'll face Asguardian justice."
"Must have been hard for you," Coulson said. "After everything she did, to move past it. To let it go."
Sif smiled.
"Odin ordered her back alive. As one of his warriors, I bend to his will."
"Just like I do to the Norns," Andromeda said. Both women brought their hands to their chest, and bowed in front of May and Coulson.
"We're honoured to have fought by your side."
Sif took Lorelei, and left the plane, but Andromeda made a face.
"We know that look," Coulson said.
"It might be an idea to add a certain god to your team, because of socializing issues?"
May looked at Coulson. Coulson looked at May.
"Well... It might."

Sometimes things are more magical than you know ~ Agents of SHIELD #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now