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"Garrett started project Deathlock back in 1990," Coulson said. "Look at this. He was patient zero."
Back at the hotel, they were looking through the files they had stolen from the Cybertek building.
"We've been looking at all this backwards," Skye sighed. "Garrett doesn't just want GH-325 for his centipede soldiers. He wants it for himself, so he can become a real-life boy again, and if he happends to create an army of programmed super soldiers for Hydra along the way, tripple bonus points."
"How don't we know that Garrett did that to Ward too? Maybe he's being programmed."
"Fitz, when are you going to stop claiming to the idea that Ward is a victim, and not a traitor?" Simmons asked.
"Well, I see something that tells me I shouldn't, with my own two eyes. We don't know all the facts."
"Okay, I'm completely done with this," Sanchez sighed. She touched Fitz' forehead, and his eyes lightened up for a second. Simmons jumped up immediateley.
"Don't you dare to touch him! You... You-"
"You what? Monster? Don't worry Simmons, I'm used to that term. I've only showed Fitz the view of Ward, killing Victoria Hand. That should've been enough for him."
Fitz' eyes were normal again, but now... He was silent.
Sanchez went back inside, and Simmons sighed.
"She scares me."
"She is our friend, Simmons," Skye said. "We... We shouldn't be affraid of her."
"Someone who can transform into a dragon and who knows the hell more? Girl, we have all reasons to be affraid," Trip said.

Inside the hotel room, Skye found Sanchez, playing with a ping-pong ball.
"I'm sorry for Simmons. I don't know why she freaked out like that. You were damn right to show him the view, or whatever. He has to accept the truth."
"I know why Simmons thinks I'm a monster," Sanchez said. "Back in the Hub, I went all killing modus. I've killed more people then I could possibly count. And she has seen all of it. That's why she's scared of me. She's scared of all that I can do."
"Well, she shouldn't be, right?" Skye said. "I mean, you're a freaking goddess, and older then thousands of years! You're more in control of yourself then anyone could be."
"To be honest... That would surprise you."
Skye sat down next to her.
"You're an avenger. You are definitely not a monster."
"Bruce thinks he is. We see ourselves as freaks sometimes."
"Ward is a freak. And a monster."
"Believe me. I know."
May came in, with a few cans of beer.
"The two of you never came out to eat."
"I don't have much of an apetite."
"I'll probably scare Simmons away with my monsterous face."
May sighed.
"Fitz can't process the truth about Ward. At least, not yet. What he said, it's what he needs to believe."
"Maybe, but it will kill him if he doesn't believe the truth," Sanchez growled.
"Nyla, do you remember the last thing we talked about when we talked about humans?"
"Yeah yeah, emotions, I know."
"We know Ward's being controlled," Skye said. "If Sanchez says it, it's true."
"I agree."
"So do I," Skye replied. " You know, I never gave you enough credit for this whole zen-warrior thing. But I got to admit, it'd be nice to feel nothing right now."
"You think I don't feel anything?" May asked.
"Look at you. You're a statue. And you and Ward had a thing. So if anyone should be furious-"
"I am. I'm furious," May answered. "But I'm sure as hell not gonna waste it on a tantrum. I'm gonna mine it, save it... and when we find Ward, I'm gonna use every bit of it to take him down."
"Wish I knew how to use that hate-fu," Skye replied.
"I'm up most mornings at five."
A knock on the door. Coulson came in.
"Trip tracked some of Hydra's cases down. Guess where we found them."
"Havana," Sanchez grinned. "Let's go to Cuba."


Location: Havana, Cuba
Time: Somewhere in the afternoon

"You sure you don't want anything else?" Trip asked. "How about one of these porto-walkie talkies? They have a build in home beacon."
"Okay," Fitz answered. They were at an old warehouse in Havana, where they had parked the plane.
"I'll keep one too."
"Thanks. Don't wanted to be greedy. We already got the device."
"Hm. No problem," Trip replied. "All right."
They gave eachother a box, and went to the others for the briefing.
"We had to fly in low, to prevend a search for our plane from the ground. Fitz, Simmons, you have the maps, do not engage under any circumstances. If you find the bus, call us, and stand down, or come back here and wait."
"We'll be carefull."
"Understood, sir."
"Let's do it."
They hired a little van, and went to the place they thought Garrett and his Hydra people were.
"We're too late," Coulson said to the others when Trip came out of the building. "They're gone."
"They knew we were coming," May said.
"I'm not sure everyone is gone," Skye said. "Something is generating a lot of voltz in there."
"She's right," Sanchez replied. "There are still people inside."
Coulson's Phone rang.
"Sir, we've found the bus," Simmons told him through the Phone. "It's on an airfield outside able Santa Maria, packing up to leave."
"We're on our way. How far is that from our location?"
"About three hours. But by the looks of it... They'll be long gone by the time you can get here, sir."
"Get out of there, right now," Coulson demanded. "Do not engage, wait for us back at the jump jet."
"Copy that, sir."
"Garrett is leaving," Coulson told the others when he put the Phone down.
"We have at least to try getting over there," May said.
"Or not," Skye replied. "We still have this little puppy. If there is an computer system in that barber shop, we don't have to chase them anymore. We just have to plug it in, we wake up the trojan horse, and we're off to the races."
"Worth a shot," Trip said.
"Let's do it."

Sometimes things are more magical than you know ~ Agents of SHIELD #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now