Chapter Twelve

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       I just couldn't believe this was all real. I was actually holding her in my arms. And she actually liked it. I thought she would still be mad at me and she would lash out or reject my apology. But she didn't. She didn't reject me. She loves me back. 

      I knew we still had a lot to talk about and that everything wasn't fixed. But right now, all I wanted to focus on was her in my arms.

     She turned her head to kiss me, I returned it easily. It just felt so natural to kiss her. It just felt right. I slowly pushed my tongue against her mouth, she opened it, letting me in. My tongue went easily. She turned her body to face me, letting us get a better angle. 

      My hands roamed her body, touching everything they were allowed to. I slipped them under her shirt, touching her abs and back. I gripped her waist and hoisted her up onto the bathroom counter. 

      I slotted myself between her legs. Her hand gripped my hair. Our tongues danced together, not allowing us to get any air in. We eventually had to break away to breathe, but we didn't go far. Our faces were only inches apart, as we panted, our breaths becoming one. 

    I knew we couldn't stay like this forever, I didn't want to pull away, but I had to. 

      "We still have a lot to talk about," I said to her. 

      She nodded her head in agreement, so I decided to lead her downstairs and make breakfast. I feel like this conversation would go better if we had food. Food can make everything better. Well, at least in my opinion. 

     "Eggs and bacon okay?"

    "Yeah. Are we going to talk after?" She asked me. It looked like she was not playing any games today.

    "We can talk during if you want," I said as I got the eggs and bacon out. She nodded her head and went to sit at the breakfast bar.

    We didn't talk as I cooked, allowing a comfortable silence to wash over us. She smiled up at me as I set her plate in front of her. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips in return. I just wanted to get one more in before we have to talk. I didn't know if we would ever do that again. 

     "You want to talk now?" I asked.

     "Yeah. Did you really mean what you said?" Well, it looked like we're getting right into it. 

    "I meant every word I said. I love you more than anything."

    "You know that one day together with you ass-kissing isn't going to fix everything, right?" I let out a startled laugh. I wasn't expecting her to be so blunt. 

    "I know. I know. It was just a start. I will ass-kiss as long as I need to."

   "There will be a lot of sucking up then. Now, what do you want us to be? Because if this is just a one-time thing, I'm gonna leave and we won't talk again. I know you said you were in love with me, but if you don't want a relationship....."

     "I do. I really, really do. But I would like to do this properly. Let me take you on a date and make it official. So what do you say?"

    "Hell yeah." And with that, she leaned over and kissed me. 

   It quickly became heated as I gripped her hips and her hands latched onto my hair. Her tongue pushed into my mouth and I felt her smile against my lips. However, we were soon pulled apart.

   I heard someone cough behind me and we jumped apart. I turned and made eye contact with my parents. My face went red immediately. I don't think I have ever been more embarrassed. And I don't think Alexia has either. She looked ever redder to me. I smirked at her and she smacked me in the arm. 

   "It looks like you two made up." 

   I didn't even want to hear what they were going to say. I knew they had just found that whole situation amusing. So I took Alexia's hand and dragged her upstairs to my room.

    "I'm so sorry about them. You know how they can be."

She laughed, "I know. And I have a feeling they're only gonna get worse." 

     "I don't know why you're finding this funny. My parents literally just walked in on us making out."

     "So? It's not the end of the world. Think on the plus side. At least you don't have to tell them," she said well grinning. "Plus, now we can make out here."

    I grinned back and pushed her onto the bed. We lazily made out for what felt like hours. I knew we both didn't want to go any further today. I felt like we should at least go on a couple of dates first. Even though we both weren't virgins, I didn't want to treat her like a one-night stand. She deserves to be ruined properly. If you know what I mean.

   She eventually had to leave and go home. Although her dad knew what was happening, he was probably still worried. I don't think she had texted him and he can really be a worrier at times. 

    "So, you busy tonight?" I asked her.

     "Hmmm. I'll have to check my schedule but I think I can write you in tonight....say at seven?"

     "Yeah, seven is good. I'll pick you up. Dress nice, but not too formal. I have an idea on where I'm gonna take you."

      She kissed me a few more times before she grabbed her stuff. She practically ran out of the house to avoid my parents. I laughed as she did.

     "Bye, I love you."

     "I love you too," I shouted back as she went out the front door. 

     I turned around and saw my parents staring at me, smirking. I knew they were happy for me, but I doubt I will ever hear the end of it.


    "Don't even start." 

       I ran back upstairs as they laughed at me. I know I seem annoyed, but I'm really not. I'm happy. I mean really, really happy.

      Who knew love could feel like this?

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