Chapter 21

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I feel my face fall, "What's wrong with it?" I look down at the beautiful dress.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong with it." Tommy hurries to reassure me crossing the room to me in two strides, "I just don't know how I'm going to deal with all the men who are going to be throwing themselves at your feet because you look so stunning."

My face immediately brightens and I feel a blush heat my cheeks, "So I look ok?" I still feel that twinge of uncertainty.

It's a feeling I'm not used to as a confident ice queen of a business woman.

"More than ok, you are a goddess." He grins and sweeps in pressing his lips to mine in a kiss that feels a lot like him trying to claim his territory.

"Still here guys." Megan pipes up and I turn to see she is stood there covering her eyes.

"No need to be so dramatic Meggy. This is what happens when two people love each other very much." Tommy teases, pulling me tighter against him, his hand cupping my butt through the dress.

"Oh stop it you! You'll ruin the dress" I pat his hand away and straighten the skirts, "You should be thanking her, this look is all her magical work."

"I had a very easy model to work with," She laughs, "Is it safe to look now?"

"Yes Meggy, it's safe and boring now for you." Tommy sighs dramatically.

Megan uncovers her eyes and grins at me, "You do look amazing boss. Tom Tom here is going to have a hard time competing with all that."

Tommy shakes his head, "On that note, I'm going to go and get ready."

Whilst he's gone Megan and I pack up the make up and then head downstairs to wait. "Urgh look at what that woman just posted." She says, nose wrinkled in disgust as she turns the phone towards me.

'That woman' is how we have been referring to Melanie since the kiss incident and I love how Megan automatically decided to hate her with me.

Her phone screen shows a red satin dress with a plunging neckline held together with what seems to be a single diamanté string and a prayer. Mel twists her body in the video to show off her slim figure the dangerous thigh slit up the side.

"Oh wow." I snort, "She really is getting it all out tonight."

"So tacky. Boobs or legs, not both." Megan says primly, turning the phone back to face her.

"I mean she does have an amazing figure but that can only do so much for her." I say with a shake of my head.

"She's going to lose her shit when she sees Tommy brought you and realises you guys are together." She points out.

I give her my most innocent smile, "What a shame."

"God I hope someone gets it on camera because I want to see it." Megan snorts.

"Gets what on camera?" Tommy asks and I turn to face him.

My mouth immediately goes dry and my brain temporarily ceases to function. The suit he's wearing tonight is nothing like the ill-fitting one I saw him wearing when I first met him.

This one is expertly tailored and clings to his broad shoulders in a way that makes me want to run my fingers over them.

All of a sudden I want to skip the awards and spend the night undressing and exploring each other again.

Megan seems to sense the change in atmosphere and let's out a cough that sounds suspiciously like "hormones" before clearing her throat, "Ok, I'll be going now. You love birds have fun and Azzy, I want to hear all about it tomorrow."

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