Chapter 3

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Pibby and Pancake tried to run off but they were cornered. "STAY AWAY!" Pibby yelled. The creature replied, "tHäT'š ń-ń-ńØ W០tÕ Śp-ŚpĘÅk TÒ ŷóŪR KĮŃG." Pancake started sobbing at the sight of his old best friend, transformed into a mindless zombie. "YOU WON'T BE A KING FOR LONG!" Pibby screamed, taking out her sword. The cookie inched closer and closer and closer, until it stopped. It was looking at Pancake, still crying behind Pibby. It seemed to... remember him. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM HIM?!" Shouted a now, very angry Pibby. She took a swing at the beast with her blade, but it was useless. It just dodged the attack, and would keep dodging every time Pibby tried to slice it. "Custard, this isn't like you!" Pancake cried. All of a sudden the goo cleared from Custard's face, and he had a concerned expression. "Pancake...?" Custard said in a almost normal voice. Pancake continued, "I want you back! The old you! You were like a brother to me! Come back, please!" The goo retreated even more from Custard, but he still wasn't free. "Pancake... go escape for me." Custard said with a smile. After they said their goodbyes Custard went as far away as possible from Pibby and Pancake before letting the glitch consume him. Pibby held Pancake's hand, "Come on," she said, "let's get out of here."

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