First day

115 5 2

Y/n - (your name)
Y/l/n - (your last name)
Y/c/n - (your country name)

I walked down the corridor of my new school, nervous of what was to come. I didn't know if people would like me or not. I'd moved all the way from y/c/n (you can imagine the country your from or a random one)

As soon as I walked into my first class I noticed that everyone was already seated and in the class already. I tried my best to avoid eye contact with everyone around me as I was so nervous. I tapped my finger on the side of my leg trying to ease the anxiety.

"Goodmorning class, as you can see we have a new student, miss y/l/n please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself." She spoke smiling
"I'm y/n y/l/n and I moved here all the way from y/c/n, I like writing, reading and birds." I spoke to the class. Trying to not look directly in anyone's eyes.

The teacher directed me to a seat beside a boy, mabey the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. Our desks were two people a desk. I was surprised no one had judged me yet. I took a seat beside him, nervous but even more as before as I was sitting beside him. My hands were shaking crazily, it was noticeable. I kept myself facing forward, trying not to look at anyone and my hands beneath my desk so that no one would see the mess I was in.

Please don't make us write. Please don't make us write. I repeated in my head.
"Right class take your Books and pencils out and write the date, y/n your books are on your desk." The teacher announced.

Shit. I thought to myself, I forgot a pencil. I lifted my hands which were uncontrollably shaking and tapped the boy beside me. He quickly turned his head looking towards me. I saw his eyes wander to my hand for a second, embarrassed I instantly hid it under the table.
"Do you have a pencil I could borrow." I said breaking the silence.
"Of coarse." he said smiling, he then proceeded to reach into his bag to find a pencil. He handed it to me, giving me the same smile as before.
"Thanks." I said, going red. He must have noticed, who wouldn't have.

Stanley's POV :

Today a new girl joined, she was extremely pretty I have to admit, nervous though. I looked over to Henry bowers expecting him to say something (like he always does) but he never. Not even Henry bowers could find an insult. That's when she said it, She likes birds!!! So do I. I hope she is nice, I really do. The teacher sat her next to me. She is trying not to look at anyone just now but I'm sure she will loosen off soon. I think she's uncomfortable, she is sitting weird with her hands under the table, should I move, mabey I'm being weird, I should move over. But before I could move over she tapped me. I turned around and gave her a smile, I looked at her hands, god she was anxious, I wanted to hug her, but why?? I didn't understand. She wanted a pencil so I got her one. When giving her it she went red, no girl has ever went red when speaking to me before. But she is probably just anxious, it most likely nothing special.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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Nervous - Stanley Uris (1990) Where stories live. Discover now