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mee6 i cant believe you left me for that whore. you left me and our children for some stupid fucking bitch that doesnt even love you like your children do. not to mention you murdered my mother, my MOTHER, you knew i loved her more than life and yet you still killed her. i can never forgive you you fucking bitch i hate you and that cunt susie more than you could ever imagine. anna misses you so much, not even to mention john and garrett. please come home. just for our children. i fucking hate you but they wouldnt. just come back. susie is such a bitch she doesnt even love you and shes cheating on you with me. i have been having lesbian sex with susie for years and yet u still dont come to realize how little susie cares for you. mee6 u need to wake up and realize that your children will always love you even if me and susie are having lesbian sex together. please open your eyes and come home.

and fuck you you bitch i know youve heard every fucking thing ive said to you mee6 you just fucking ignore me. thats all you ever did. you never l;istened to a word i fucking said and you treated me like shit. even fucking susie treats me better and shes a bitch. youre so fucking useless mee6 i hope you fucking drown for every fucking thing youve done to this fucking family come fucking home right now and tell your kids what youve done. fucking tell them all you fucking did im so fucking sick of you and your fucking name. fuck you. come home right now before i find you.

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