Chapter 2

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Thomas's P.O.V.

When I wake up I hear the water running in the bathroom and assume that Fleurinne got in the shower. Man she's cute. I still can't believe that in my second year of high school I have to share my dorm room room with a girl. I mean I don't mind but it's still weird. At least school doesn't start for a couple more days, I'm one of the weirdo's who comes to school early. For me it's mostly to settle in.

There's a knock at the door, so I go to get it, hoping it's one of friends not anyone and not but them. I sigh in relief when it turns out to be my friend Jacob Hardy. He laughs at my hair.

"What's up Thomas?" he asks.

"Not much, you?" I ask.

"Same, your sister's downstairs." he says, hiding a smile.

"What?" I yell.

"Yeah." he says, I push past him and run downstairs.

Fleurinne's P.O.V.

Boys. I think as I get out of the shower, always yelling. I didn't hear his conversation, but I did hear Thomas yell then I heard the door slam. Whatever. I dry myself off and wrap my hair in the towel. Dang it, I think. I forgot to grab my outfit. I stick my head out of the door, and neither Thomas nor who he was talking to are in the room. I grab my bra and underwear and slip them on.

Thomas's P.O.V.

I open the door and walk into the room with Jacob, I glare at him. I hear the bathroom door open, I look over and see Fleurinne, her hair wrapped in a towel and only wearing a bra and underwear. She blushes crimson red and squeaks, she grabs a stack of clothes and practically runs back into bathroom.

"Who was that?" Jacob asked.

"Her name is Fleurinne and she's from France," I tell him. "She's the reason I hung up on you last night."

"Then I should thank her for allowing me to trick you."

"That was mean." I say, he told me my sister was downstairs. Was she really? No.

"Oh haha, suck it up." he says. "She's hot."

"Yeah," I agree.

A couple of seconds later, Fleurinne walk out of the bathroom, still blushing. She's wearing a pink crop top, under a cropped jean jacket with a star looking flower, shorty jean shorts, and faded blue converse high tops. She puts her pajamas back in her bag and grabs her brush and phone, which she slips in her back pocket.

"Hi," she says in her adorable French accent, she holds her hand out to Jacob. "J'm'appelle Fleurinne Lavigne. Tou are?"

"Umm, I'm Jacob Hardy." Jacob says shaking her hand.

Fleurinne finishes brushing her hair so she tosses her brush on her bed.

"What made you decide to come to the U.S.?" Jacob asks Fleurinne.

"Umm, I-uh," she stutters, she pulls out her phone and opens it.

"We don't usually pull out our phones immediately when meeting someone new." Jacob says, offended. He gets offended easily by that kind of thing.

"Oh, pardon." she says apologetically and puts her phone away.

"My question still stands." Jacob says.

Fleurinne debates something in her head, she looks conflicted then grabs her phone again.

Jacob looks offended again, "I asked you a question and you keep pulling your phone out, it's rude."

"Pardon," she says, looking attacked.

"Dude she doesn't speak English." I say, "She needs a translation app to do so."

Jacob looks at his feet then at Fleurinne, sorry, "Oh I didn't know, sorry, yeah please use your phone."

"Merci," Fleurinne says before speaking into her phone, the phone then says in English. "My mom is from America, and I've always been wanting to come, so my parents agrees I could come here for the remainder of high school. I'm a sophomore."

Lucky me, I'm a sophomore too, while Jacob is a Junior.

Jacob looks back at me, "Cool, so if your mom is from her, why don't you speak English."

She smiles, actually smiles, "I never had a reason to need to. I can understand because my mom often spoke English, but also understands French so that's how we talk to her. When my mom and dad had my older brother, Chevalier, my mom thought that he should learn our native language so that's what my parents did with my and my younger sisters. But my mom also wanted to keep her traditions so we also learned English, not to speak but to understand her. And that is why I don't speak English."

"Wow, okay." Jacob says, totally confused by all that information. He turns to me, "I'll catch you later."

"Yeah," I agree, and Jacob leaves.

"What are your sister's names?" I ask her.

"Nadeleine, she's 2 years younger than me, and Avryll, and Adalaide, they're twins and they're 5 years younger than me." she explains. "All of me and my siblings have long names except Avryll, and I'm not even sure why. But I think it has something to do with nicknames? Mine's Fleur. My older brother's is Chevy, and yeah I know that's a type of truck, but he used to have an obsession with them and that's kind of how he got his nickname. Nadeleine's nickname is Leinie. Adalaide's nickname is Addy. And Avryll's nickname is Ryll." she says into the phone smiling.

Fleurinne's P.O.V.

I sigh and say into the phone, "mes frères et sœurs se moqueraient de moi en ce moment" then the phone changes it to, "my siblings would laugh at me right now."

"Why?" Thomas asks

"À cause de mon embarras, et parce que je dois utiliser un traducteur stupide pour même te parler!" I say into the phone, and then the phone changes it to, "Because of how embarrassed I am, and because I have to use a dumb translate to even speak to you!"

"I could teach you English." Thomas suggests to me. "It's the hardest language to learn but I think you would do fine."

I smile at him, how is that this boy I barely know is trying to help me? And that I'm perfecty willing to let him? "Oui s'il te plait."

"I'm assuming that means yes, why don't we get breakfast first?" Thomas suggests.

"Bien sur, pourquoi pas." I say into the phone, it translates it to. "Sure, why not?"

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