Fleurinne's P.O.V.
That morning when I wake up I have at least five calls from my agent, Becky. I roll my eyes. Does she know how to stop. I grab my phone and call her back. She picks up. I sigh with relief. If she sees I called her she'll bug me till I pick up.
"Bonjour, Becky." I say. "Comment allez vous?"(How are you doing?)
"Bonjour Fleurinne." she says, flatly. "As-tu compris?"(Did you get it?)
"Je ne sais pas. Et oui je vais bien."(I don't know yet. And I'm doing fine.) I say.
"Bien. Envoyez-moi un SMS ou appelez-moi dès que vous le saurez." She says, "Au fait, ta mère veut que je te dise quelque chose. Ah c'était quoi ? D'accord, d'accord. Ils font un spécial sur toi quand tu viens pour Thanksgiving."(Good. Text me or call me as soon as you know. By the way, your mom wants me to tell you something. Ah what was it? Right Right. They make a special on you when you come over for Thanksgiving.) she says the word with disgust, as she doesn't celebrate thanksgiving. Only because my family is half American, we celebrate and even then, not hugely.
"Sont-ils sûrs ? Je veux dire, ils sont sûrs qu'ils ne veulent pas faire le spécial sur autre chose ?"(Are they sure? I mean they're sure they don't wanna do the special on something else?) I ask.
"Ils sont sûrs. Que vas-tu porter?"(They are sure. What are you going to wear?) Becky says, not bothering noting my uncertainty.
"Je ne sais pas. Je jupe et chemise ou quelque chose. Pourquoi? Est-ce que ça importe?"(I do not know. I skirt and shirt or something. Why? Does it matter?) I say.
"Oui, ça compte! Vous êtes un modèle. Tout ce qui devient public compte."(Yes it matters! You are a model. Everything that goes public matters.) Becky exclaims. "Qui est-ce?"(Who is he?)
Thomas P.O.V.
Fleurinne looks over her shoulder and tenses. "C'est mon colocataire... le petit-ami de mon colocataire."(He's my roommate ... my roommate's boyfriend.)
Fleurinne bumps the translator on her open iPad. She has headphones in and doesn't notice.
All I hear is, "Boyfriend."
Fleurinne pauses for a moment listening. "Oui et? Comment sont les triplés? Ils ont perdu leurs privilèges téléphoniques, n'est-ce pas?"
Then the translator says. "Yes and? How are the triplets? They lost phone privileges right?"
"Je le suis vraiment. Comment vont-ils? Et, Becky, je promets que je porterai quelque chose de joli." Fleurinne crosses her arms.
"I truly am. How are they? And, Becky, I promise I'll wear something nice." the iPad translates.
Ava, who had been in the hall, sticks her head in. "Who's up for breakfast."
Fleurinne hears this, "Oui, yes please. Au revoir, Becky, je t'appelle plus tard."(Bye, Becky, I'll call you later.)
Fleurinne bumps the translator again. She gets up and grabs a change of clothes.
"I'll be in za bafroom." Fleurinne slips in.
Twenty minutes later she comes out ready to go. I slip in the bathroom, and get ready myself. About 35 minutes after Ava suggested breakfast, we actually leave the dorm. Fleurinne looks a bit nervous, but other than that, she seems perfectly fine. Which is weird since she keeps glancing at me then away again.
The next morning, is the last day I'll be at school for the next 3 weeks. Fleurinne is already ready to go when I wake up.
That afternoon, Fleurinne sits there, struggling a bit with her English homework(that I gave her, she already finished what our teachers gave her). She crosses her arms. Then she rolls her eyes and tries again. I set my hand on her shoulder startling her. She closes her eyes and and then glares at me.
I smile, "Tomorrow Ava and I leave for home, and umm, I was wondering if you would take notes for me."
Fleurinne rolls her her eyes and smiles, "Yes, but, ve only have, vhat, deux classes together? The other qautre ve don't have together."
I sigh, "I don't have friends in any of my other classes! Oh well I'll figure something out."
Fleurinne shakes her head, "I'll get the notes."
I laugh, "Really it's no big deal-"
"No," Fleurinne cuts me off, "you enjoy your visit vith toi's family, I'll get the notes."
"Thanks, Fleurinne."
She smiles.