Chapter 5

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I woke up late in the morning. The sun shined through my window and my rocks caught a glimpse of the sun. It looked magical outside, perfect for a walk. I was very tired as I didn't sleep that well last night but I started to get myself ready for the day. I got up out of my flower bed, the sheets had pictures of daisies and roses and my pillow was light pink. It sometimes reminds me of my aunt who would always wear flower dresses and light pink bows on her hair. I went to put on my gray fluffy socks and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and got an outfit. I was wearing a light black dress, white leggings and a red purse. I put some butterfly clips and put it in my hair. While I was doing this I kinda forgot that Ellie was in my bedroom. After I finished getting dressed I went back to my room and checked on her. She started to wake up and I decided to make a hot cup of chocolate for us. My parents had to leave early for a business trip for a couple of days so it would just be us to. I thought it might be a little awkward at first but maybe me and her could be good friends. I started pouring milk into two cups and putting chocolate powder into them. I heated them up with this heating plate that heats things up in a few seconds. I put the cups onto the plate and then took them out. I went to the pantry and got some biscuits for us to eat with the hot chocolate. I headed up stairs making sure I was carefully not dropping anything. As I got to my room Ellie was already up and looking around. I nervously said hi and gave her the hot chocolate and biscuit. "So, umm how was your sleep?" It was a weird question but I didn't really know what to say. "It was good." She continued. "What's your name again?" I looked up at her and said, "I'm Cory it's nice to meet you." I looked down. "Umm actually is it ok if I ask you a few questions?" She smiled. "Sure" I felt more confident and started talking. "So do you know where you live? Do you remember anything that happened yesterday before you got hurt?" I stopped myself. She looked at me. "Actually Cory I don't really remember anything before I got hurt. It's really fuzzy. And I don't remember where I live. It's actually kinda scary." I saw the fear in her eyes. I would be scared to if I didn't remember where I lived. I tried to cheer her up. "Here's a biscuit." I handed her a warm buttery biscuit. I couldn't do much but at least she could relax here until she gained her memory back. "Thanks." I looked out the window and thought. "Do you wanna take a walk? It's really nice outside." She nodded. I went over to my drawer and handed her one of my red scafs and red boots. Red was my favorite color and to me it matched with everything.  We finished eating our breakfast and we went outside it was nice and warm. "It's freezing! How are you not cold?" I laughed. "I don't know I guess I'm used to it." We headed to the forest and it was a quiet walk. "This place is beautiful. I don't remember seeing anything like this before." I smiled. "I'm glad you like it! This is actually one of my favorite places to go to. Maybe one day we can have a picnic here." I looked up at the swaying trees. It really was beautiful. "Are you from this neighborhood? Did you get lost somehow?" I had so many questions racing and I really wanted to get an answer. "Well I don't remember living here.. maybe I'm not from this neighborhood. What's the neighborhood called?" I looked at her more confident. "The odd neighborhood." She laughed. "That's such a weird name for a neighborhood." I thought about the name. I didn't think it was weird. Maybe she's not from here and it seems weird to her. "You know this place seems really strange for some reason. I feel like I've never been here before.." we kept walking and we finally went to the middle of the forest. We stopped. "Well what do you mean by that?" We sat down on some logs and continued. "Well for one, I don't remember blue trees being something I saw everyday. Aren't they supposed to be green? And the weather is weird too. Like the breezes feel warm.. aren't they supposed to be cold? And the rain was blue.. isn't it supposed to be clear like water?" I laughed but as I saw her face I realized she was being serious. I got so confused. Trees being green? Rain being clear? What world was she living before? Could it be possible she's not from my world? But that's never happened before.. maybe her mind is messed up somehow.. "Cory I'm starting to remember that trees are green and rain in clear." I looked at her. "Ellie do you think somehow you don't live in my world? Maybe your from another world? Nevermind that kinda stupid forget what I said.." she laughed. "I don't know maybe.. I mean I believe in ghosts so why could this be any different?" It started to get chilly. We got up and decided to head back home. As we walked the trees swayed side to side and the sun disappeared. It looked as if it were to rain again. Just in case it did, we hurried back to the house. I opened the house door and it made a creaking sound. We headed in and I decided to make lunch. "So what do you typically eat, do you remember? She pointed at the bread. "Let's make sandwiches!" I paused. A sandwich? I'm so confused. "What's a sandwich? Is it like fairy bread?" She looked at me wide eyed. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A SANDWICH IS?" I laughed nervously. "You could show me." She took two slices of bread and some ham, cheese, and a bit of lettuce then she put them all together. "A sandwich." She said. I took a bite and it tasted really good. I never had anything like this thing before. "How come you don't know what a sandwich is? Did your parents never give you a sandwich?" I swallowed the yummy treat. "Actually no one knows what a sandwich is." She looked at me in confusion. "I definitely think I'm from another world. I mean who doesn't know what a sandwich is." We both laughed. It was weird but it was fun hanging out with Ellie. We went to my room and I decided to show her my rock collection. It might be weird for her but maybe she'll take an interest. Besides she's really nice and she doesn't seem like the type to judge. I started to show her all the colored rocks and she was fascinated. I showed her my first rock, my coolest rock, the most colorful rock, and the most shiny rock. "Rocks have color? Aren't they supposed to be grey or white or brown?" I put my rocks down and sat on a chair. "I mean I don't remember rocks being colorful." Hmm interesting. Is she remembering things or did her brain get messed up? I've never seen gray or brown rocks. All of them are colorful. "Ellie can you try to remember anything else? I dont think your around here and maybe if you remember hard enough maybe you can remember where you live!" She looked up at the wall gazing. Her eyes brighten. The next thing she told me was unbelievable.

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