I haven't seen a street fighter harem story so I figured why not.
You are just a fighter going around the world fighting any strong opponent you come across, along the way you run into some evil people like S.I.N and Shadowloo, (don't know if I spel...
Narrator: Few days after Muken's sparring session with Yamma, Ibuki's master he has decided to train harder to get to a level like that and hopefully surpass it.
Muken: *Panting* Come on you can do this just...a bit more.
Narrator: He tried to get up but due to the stress he put his body through because of the training, he falls to the ground.
Muken: Ok maybe I should take a break. *He gets up and walks to the couch and falls on it* I wonder what Ryu and Ken are doing.
Narrator: We transition to Ken attending to some business in a meeting.
A/n: For those who don't know Ken Master's comes from a rich family, and if your wondering why he's a martial artist his family sent him to train with Gouken.
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A/n: The reason for this was because they didn't want Ken to grow up and be a jerk or a spoiled brat, anyway back to the story.
Narrator: We transition to Ryu meditating in the forest somewhere trying to get control of the Dark Hado, but is having trouble when the voice of the demon Akuma talks to him in his subconscious trying to get him to succumb to it's power.
Akuma: Give in to the power of the satsu way no hado boy, let it take control, give in to your anger!
Ryu: Grrrrrrr no!
Narrator: Ryu wakes up from his meditation a sweating mess.
Ryu: I can't let that power take control over me. *Looks at the palm of his hand* I wonder how Muken is doing.
Narrator: Now transition back to Muken he is walking through the forest but stop's he sense's a dark presence nearby.
Muken: What the hell is this, this presence, the aura, the atmosphere. It doesn't feel right....
Narrator: Muken walks into the direction of the dark aura and when he gets there he sees....
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