oakwood high.

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It was a normal school day It was cloudy, students were walking to class, Students were in the halls talking or eating but the day changed when the alarm went out everyone ran outside and met up with their friends they were confused on why they were outside in the first place, Principal Samantha came outside and announced that there was a body found in the 2nd floor bathroom, There was no noise from anyone everyone looked surprised and looked around to see if anyone was going to admit doing it but no one said anything the principal dismissed everyone to go home but before they could she told everyone to head to the police station to be questioned.
At the police station student Rea Alvarez was talking to her father which was a detective She asked her dad if she could help him with the case but he denied her request due to her being able to be a future target or messing something up but that didn't stop her from investigating so she decided to call her friends to ask them If they could help them.
Students named, Aria Anderson, Siblings Honey and Suki Curtis, Koi Coronado and Sen Okumura, All of them headed to school right after being questioned none of them were found guilty or under suspicion Rea headed to the bathroom to see that the blood was still there It was all over the walls and the stall the body was gone though But it still smelled bad there was no footprints or handprints anywhere so whoever did this wore gloves and tried not to touch the blood at all and were careful about the whole situation But besides that she didn't have much to work with everyone else was walking around looking at the other clues the detectives found.
After 2 hours and being there they got nothing no suspects or anything The only thing Rea was thinking maybe someone that hated the person killed them which would be the obvious but rea didn't know the person themselves so there was no lead to anything she gave up and told everyone to just go home But just because she didn't find anything doesn't mean that will stop her from Helping out still she wants to be like her dad a great detective but she was still treated like a child and told not to be a detective which she didn't understand why It didn't seem like a dangerous job or anything but she doesn't listen and constantly goes behind Her dad's back and investigates his work when he's not around.
End of chapter 1.

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