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The next few days have been absolutely horrible. Amari tried to make me feel better by being the optimistic bubble she was, which I was grateful for, it just didn't help. But eventually, on the seventh day of this hell, my fever died down almost completely and the nausea was mostly gone.

"Yay! You're finally getting better." Amari grinned, shaking my by the shoulder.

"Yep, finally." I sigh.

"C'mon Y/N. You're always so boring." Amari whined. I furrow my brows.

"No I'm not. I'm just not as energetic as you." I shook my head.

"Exactly! You're boring." She replied, dragging out the 'ng'. I roll my eyes.

"Then why are you friends with me?" I ask, smirking.

"Because you're my roommate."

"We were friends before we were roomies, Amari."

"Fine! Because you're.." She sighed.

"Boring." She pouted.

"You said boring a lot." 

"Can we move on from this now." She crossed her arms. I snicker and nod.

"So, any ideas on who your soulmate is?" Amari quickly changed the subject. I felt my cheeks heat up. I've been having nonstop dreams with them in it.

"No, of course not." I look away from her gaze.

"You're lying." I could hear the smirk in her tone.

"Okay, okay. I've been having dreams about him." I mutter.

"Tell me about them!- Wait...you know he's a guy?"

"Well, I'm assuming from their voice. It could still be a girl though or neither." I shrugged. She nodded.

"The dreams are mostly the same from the first one. I don't see their face. Just their hair, and I hear their voice more often."

"Well what's their voice like?" Amari asked, cocking her head at me.

"Dude, I don't know how to describe voices." She rolled her eyes.

"Was it high pitched, was it deep? Was it anything??" I laugh at the end comment.

"I don't know...it was both? It wasn't super deep but it wasn't super high? Oh, I don't know." I grumble.

"That's not that helpful. How about their looks?"

"I never see their face, remember?"

"Okay, what does their hair look like?"

"It's brown and fluffy. That's all, nothing special." I shrug again.

"Sounds like a cutie." Amari smirked.

"Oh shut up." I nudge her by the shoulder.

Albert's POV

"So you dream about them, but you never see them?" Kaden asked, disbelief laced his voice.

"Yeah." I replied bluntly, most of my focus placed on the Roblox game we were playing.

"That's weird." Temprist chimed in.

"Mhm." I hum a quick response. Despite trying what seemed like a hundred times, we just couldn't beat the stupid game. I slam my mouse onto my desk, almost breaking it.

"Guys, let's just play something else." Even Temprist himself sounded frustrated.

"Actually, Albert, let's keep talking about your soulmate. I'm interested." Kaden snickered. I grumble, about to leave the call.

"Yeah, just for a bit." Temprist laughed. I dragged my cursor away from the leave call button and sighed.

"I don't know what to tell you guys." I say, leaning back on my (epic gaming) chair. 

"Well what's their voice like?" Temprist asked.

"Hm...it's really...pretty? I don't know guys, can we just play something else?" I mutter, feeling heat rush to my cheeks. I hear one of them sigh.

"Alright, another game."

Passerby (Flamingo x Reader SOULMATE AU)Where stories live. Discover now