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The city of Amer is still the hub of the country. People that live here have extravagant lives, rich lives, beautiful lives. They still dress in their tweed suits to work and snaky black dresses to parties, they still wear their muted or glimmering makeup. They still go to clubs, still dance the nights away, still take beautiful people home, but no sections regulated their lives anymore.

On voting days every person in the country would go, not just the ones considered intelligent, to dictate what would happen in their country. No person was the mediator between Amer and the rest of the country. No person stood between those who lived within the gates of Amer and those who live outside.

Any person that wanted to could come to Amer, but it was not the singular grand city that it once was. Instead, Amer was a culture, one that spread around the entire country. Everyone was a citizen of Amer, no matter how far away they were from it, because Amer represents freedom and creativity.

The old buildings of Amer were recycled, creating magnificent museums and stores and places that everyone was welcome. ATs were obliterated, an outdated memento of a discriminatory state.

And while not everyone got along, everyone respected each other and their opinions. Arguments were friendly and kind, fights were respectful and graceful.

Because no one person can control an entire place, and no one city can oppress a country.

Because everyone is a person, and that's what the city of Amer stands for. 

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