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Midoriya's expression turned from fear to calm, his eyes glowed white, his pupils disappeared into the bright light.

The Sludge Villain was the first to recover from his shock and swung his fist(?) at the greenette "Glowing eyes won't help you!"

Midoriya effortlessly dodged the attack leaning back till his head almost touched the ground. His hands landed right beside him causing him to be in a bridge position. He then raised his legs in a handstand before pushing himself back onto his feet. Completing his backflip.

Bakugou in the Sludge Villain gaped, Midoriya had never shown that much flexibility. Midoriya raised up his hand and stomped with his right leg.

The earth cracked and a pillar shot out of it grabbing Bakugou.

What the fuck! were everyone's collective thoughts.

Midoriya stomped his foot on the floor again a massive boulder his the Sludge Villain sending him to wall effectively knocking him out, ? Midoriya did all this with his calm expression which faded the next second, his eyes going back to his normal green... Then he promptly collapsed on the floor.

Everyone's thought were once again the same What the fuck?!

Midoriya walked towards his apartment block he heard a scream and a hand go on his shoulder. Midoriya recognized that voice all too well and their tone didn't make it any better

"Deku you little shit, What the hell was that!? I didn't need you're fucking help!" He paused to take a breath "And what the hell was with the earth. We're you hiding your quirk." Midoriya snapped

"Why the hell would lie about my quirk, use your brain Katsuki"

The use of his first name shocked Katsuki long enough for Midoriya to run away as to which he was intercepted by All Might.

"I Am Here" shouted the blonde before he powered down blood spewing from his mouth, Midoriya had seen this before so he didn't react as badly as he did last time but he still screamed. Melissa Shield arrived soon after.

All might spoke up "Young Midoriya, earlier you asked me if you could become a hero without a quirk and I said no" Melissa cut in and said "You said what?" In a sickly sweet voice, All Might ignored her and continued.

"I was wrong and I apologize for those words, Young Midoriya you have proven me wrong" Midoriya fell, his legs giving out, tears fell down his face but he desperately tried to keep them in.

"You can become a hero!" He stopped trying it wasn't doing much anyway and tears freely streamed down his face All Might bulked up and shouted"Meet me on Dagobah Beach tomorrow at the crack of dawn" Melissa decided to speak up " All Might I still want to talk about what you said about Quirkless people" All Might's smile looked alot more forced now.

Training was hell

Whrn Midoriya met with All Might and Melissa, who was in her workout clothes (Midoriya turned as red as Kirishima's hair when he saw her) He was then briefed about why said girl was here which lead into him learning about one for all. They got straight into training.

If you were to tell Midoriya yesterday morning that he was going to carry All Might he would look at you like you're crazy. But that was the truth if the situation.

His morning training included dragging trash from one end to the other with Melissa and sparring, Midoriya learned very fast not to underestimate her.

Midoriya punched Melissa in the stomach she staggered back, Midoriya got very scared "Are you okay?" He asked with his guard down. Melissa seeing her chance did the most underhanded thing.

Kicked him in the balls and then proceeded to pin him down takedown. The pain stopped him from struggling so he just tapped out and from then he would never make the same mistake again. Midoriya's balls always hurt when he thought of it

His afternoon work had him working in his quirk as Melissa dragged beach. They would have alternating days when they had to carry All Might.

One day in the first few months Izuku, with All Might's instructions, tried meditating.

This sand of the beach was gone replaced with a grassy area. Midoriya's face twisted into confusion, Where am I Izuku questioned. A voice answered his unasked question "You're in the spirit world"

Midoriya's head snapped to the direction of the voice to find a monk with orange and yellow robes. "Who are you?"

"I am Aang" the monk replied.

"What are you doing in my mind, areyouafigmentofmyimaginationorareyoupartofmyquirkismyquirksentient?"

Aang miraculously followed what Izuku was saying "No, Kinda, Also Kinda. Okay kid sit down let me explain "You are a part of a cycle, named the Avatar cycle." Izuku took all the information like a sponge thiugh he had one question on his mind

"How am I the Avatar from what you've said Benders have died out." The monk replied with "Well we can sense that something bad is about to happen"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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