Chapter 16

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He had just climbed the stairs to the porch and he was grinning wide. His sandy colored hair was a little longer than normal. He was usually clean cut. He was broad shouldered and stood about half a foot taller than Agnes. He didn't bother with facial hair.

His eyes lit up as soon as he saw her and he opened up his arms wide as she dashed over to him. She ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him and decided she liked this look just as much. He held her so tightly against him that Agnes thought maybe the romper had done the trick and they could skip dinner. As he let all of her weight fall back on her own feet, she wrapped her arms around his waist and doubled up her hold.

He took in a sharp breath through his teeth and then smiled wide as his tongue played on his bottom lip.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to skip dinner and just use me for sex."

He shot her plans out of the water. "Oh no, never." She played back loosening her hold. "I use my other boyfriend, Lorenzo, for that."

"Oh, how's he been?"

"Good, good... he just left." She smiled and retreated back into the house for her wallet.

She tried to urge him on the car ride, but was having no luck. She knew he enjoyed edging her until she about lost her mind so this was all supposed to be part of the fun, but he wasn't understanding how much she needed this. She was enjoying it too, but was absolutely ready for the finale.

"I take it you had a stressful week." He said as she reached for his leg on the car ride to Paxon.

"Ugh, fine." Agnes said as she dropped her head for a moment and retracted her hand. She settled back into her seat. "You don't have to torment me."

He reached for her hand. "Hey, I'm not trying to torment you. I miss you and a lot has happened. I'd like for us to catch up for a bit." She smiled and squeezed his hand. He looked over at her from the corner of his eye. "And I didn't say that you had to stop." He said dragging her hand back to the bulge in his pants. Agnes bit her lip and leaned back over to tease him through his pants as he drove.

"Alright. Well now you do have to stop because we're parking." He grinned as they reached their destination. She leaned back in her seat and let out a little sigh. Tonight was going to be fun.

He parked at his apartment so they could walk.

"This way we can both drink and cut loose." He said as he beeped the car. She liked the sound of that a lot. She bounced around and took hold of his arm. "You're so chipper." He noted as they stood at the back of the car.

"I'm excited to see you. I don't like these three-month trips... I only had time to surprise you once."

"That was a great weekend." He smiled. "I'll make up for being gone this long. Don't worry." He kissed her while he pushed her against the car. He grabbed her ass hard and then pulled back.  She felt the longing ache start up between her thighs as he took her hand and they walked out of the garage. He was getting her back for the ride here.

As soon as they were seated in a rounded booth, he slid over to her so they were next to each other. When the waitress arrived he ordered two double vodkas and 2 gin and tonics. Agnes scrunched her eyebrows at him.

"You don't have the chug the gin. I just wanted to keep you chipper. We could go to the club, if you're up for it. And drunk you is always up for it."

"Fuck you." She smiled as she whispered.

He put his hand on her upper thigh and leaned into her ear. "Don't worry it's on the agenda." He pulled back and reviewed his menu with a smug smile as she wriggled slightly at his words. She wouldn't look at him though. Instead she crossed her legs to contain herself.

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