Chapter 46 (Epilogue)

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When she arrived home that night she hugged the children like she hadn't seen them in years.

            "Are you okay?" James asked when he walked over to them.

            "Yeah, actually. I'm doing great." She stood up and kissed him like she might never see him again. She hugged Larry too. They were so confused, but none of them fought it. Over the evening Agnes would tell them who she met and how amazing she was. They couldn't believe it.

            That evening, when preparing for bed, Agnes wrapped her arms around James's shirtless body and kissed his shoulder as she told him how much she loved him. He spun around with her arms still around him.

            "Are you okay?" He asked for the second time that evening.


            "Are you sure? Because historically speaking, I'm the one that says that first."

            "I've been sleeping with you for awhile, I trust you with my kids... I think I'm allowed to say it."

            He smirked. "I love you too." He kissed her and hugged her tight before walking her backwards onto the bed. He popped up and locked the door before climbing back over her and ripping her clothes off so that he could show her over and over again that night how much he loved her.

            This mess was their lives. James stayed overnight multiple times a week. They now called Larry, the nanny, just to give this large, middle aged man hell. They were as strange a family as they came, but that's exactly what they were.

            Months later they were attending a fall wedding. Agnes conned Liam into delivering notes back and forth between herself and James. Their relationship wasn't widely publicized so they weren't seated together. The notes were innocent to start.

            You look handsome tonight.

            You look beautiful. If your husband isn't here, then I'd love to steal a dance.

            You're in luck.

            I could give you a ride home too.

            That would be fantastic. He's kind of a bum anyway.

            A lady like you shouldn't be wasting time on that.

            They took a break from the notes as they ate dinner, but then Agnes couldn't help herself when everyone was up socializing.

            You're absolutely right. I think you should just move in with my kids and me. You can fight him off, if he bothers to show his face again. (The lease on your apartment is up anyway).

            She had been planning to ask for about two months and had talked to his landlord about refusing to renew his lease and of course he played along. She wasn't planning to ask like this, but it seemed as good a time as any. She had such jumpy energy the moment she sent it off with Liam, but she tried to play it cool. She turned her chair against the table so she could watch while he read it. He looked up at her and his jaw dropped. He popped up out of his seat and walked over to her. He leaned over the table and her as he lowered his face to hers.

            "Are you serious?" He asked.

            She smiled and nodded. He kissed her and then slid onto his knees as he wrapped his arms around her. She had a hand on either cheek and kissed him. He started to cry.

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