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Chuuya loved going to the ballet plays, He went to the concerts every chance he got, This time wasn't exception.

He glanced through purple colored brochure, "Dazai Osamu", he mumbled under his breath, he had never heard of this ballerina before. weird, almost all the time he researches and knew all the famous or semi-famous Japanese ballerinas but he never heard of his name.

From his research Chuuya knew this was supposed to be really serious play, only really good ballerinas were supposed to be here, so why would they bring someone who probably was fresh out the high school.

He furrowed his eyebrows and stretched his back a little, getting annoyed by little kids talking loudly and asking the most stupid questions, now focusing on the stage.

Finally the lights went out and Mori Ougais voice was heard "thanks for coming to this play" not so tall man with black shoulder length hair was standing in the middle of the stage, "and thanks to everyone who was involved in making this play as unique as it is" he smiled and continued "and viewers please enjoy" he bowed and disappeared in the side scenes.

Slow classical music started playing, which Chuuya soon recognized as Tchaikovsky symphony no.6

Girls (that he definitely has seen on TV) dressed in white dresses, came from different sides. now 3 of them turning and twirling in middle, with suddenly synchronized movements. Even though this might look angelic it still planted fear and other unpleasant emotions in Chuuya.

Rest of the play went the same, and finally there was 20 minute break (which he needed) for Chuuya to take a breath and go outside.

He took out pack of cigs and started smoking, it was cold but he didn't mind, after all it was still January. he put his left hand in his coat for some warmth, looked up at gloomy, grey sky, taking big breath from his nostrils while puffing out cloud of smoke.

"Hey do you have a lighter" brown haired, obviously taller guy (his age) asked him, Chuuya tilted his head and hummed in response, took out lighter and lighted up his cigarette "thanks dude" he said and stood around 1 meter away "god it's so cold out here" brunette put his hands together and blew at them for warmth, while still balancing cigarette in between his fingers, "...yeah" chuuya looked at him with side eye.

This stranger looked really pretty, chuuya noticed that, he had sharp jaw line and was slim and tall, god he wished he looked like that.

"Do you like this play?" He asked "yeah, it's really different from the other ones I've seen" Chuuya responded trying to get his point across but still wanted to keep it short.

Brunette hummed, he furrowed his eyebrows, dropped the cancer stick and stepped on it, "I have to go now" as he said he disappeared, Chuuya didn't mind, he did the same as stranger and  went back in the theatre.

Finally second act was starting, kids still were being annoying but Chuuya knew this play would still be worth it.

it started with big fog, music being as aggressive as it could get, honestly orchestra here was amazing.

Chuuya recognized the brunette on the stage, finally connecting the dots "wait..." he slapped his mouth "no way.." he mumbled again, looking at dancer, thinking again and finally realizing that stranger who wanted lighter was probably dazai and this was him too.

He didn't know why he was making such a big deal out of this, but coincidence was far too shocking for him.

Dazai was dancing gracefully, even though he was perfect there was really depressing feeling coming from him, his facial expression's were switching sad to angry.

when music would get aggressive Dazais movements would get rougher, stiffer and lot more faster, but when the music would calm down and become slower his movements would do the same, he would gracefully continue like the outburst didn't even happened.

Chuuyas breathing was uneven, heart was racing, he was tensed, gripping his fingers on his chair. He would never think in million years that someone's dancing would make him feel like this, as it was mentioned before he loved ballet but now he felt scared, and in love? He was so confused, he was feeling everything at once.

Dazais dancing became more and more tragic, like he was telling something was wrong, like he was asking for help, Chuuya understood this, he understood feeling helpless, hopeless, maybe even depressed.

As much as this play was depressing, Chuuya still was mesmerized by Dazais performance, this solo was definitely Chuuyas favorite from now on.

Dazais smooth movements became slower and orchestra started quiet down, suddenly he stopped and bowed, people were speechless at first but soon after they started clapping, even Chuuya started clapping. his jaw on the floor and his heart beating hard, he wished he could take a video so he could rewatch it agin and again, now he understood why people would film during this times.

Brunette looked up, chuuya felt like he looked at him straight in the eyes (which was probably his hallucinations, but Chuuya still believed Dazai saw him in the crowed). Without noticing red creeped up on his face, someone would think he was in love,

Which he definitely was NOT.

After that play became really depressing, Chuuya felt like he could throw up at any second, but he still didn't get up, It felt like he was stuck on that damn chair. This ballet was doing something to him, he didn't know what, it wasn't good.

After finally getting his ass up he rushed to the bathroom, he did the deed and then refreshed himself with water, Still his mind fogged with Dazai Osamu, thinking about his movements (now seeming even more beautiful) again his face reddened.

"Shit" he said as he started touching his face and trying to cover up his face with his reddish hair, "so embarrassing" he mumbled again now splashing water on his face to cool down.

After that he returned back to his seat.

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