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Legend has it that Ling Fen had three sons before she had died. And they inherited the fox blood, but the thing is no body knows where they went, they parted ways a hundred years ago, they all did inherit fox blood, but her youngest's blood was 90 percent human, it's like he didn't have fox blood in him, so likely he's the least targeted.

"Awh I feel bad for the youngest" Wen Yuan answered "Who knows maybe he's the strongest one, who can revive people" Wen Ning answered back. "Hm, truu maybe he has hidden strength?" Wen Xiu a five year old kid pouted

They we're currently outside cloud recesses with his cousin and sister "Wen Chao what even are we doing here?!" Wen Qing answered "Shut up I'm thinking here! Oh, oh right! We came here for the piece of yin iron that father asked us to get" Wen Chao answered "Have you memorized your script? cause I haven't " Wen Chao asked "okay that's it we'll go next year!!" Wen Qing said and dragged him by the ear

"go to your room and memorize your script!!" Wen Qing yelled at him and dragged him to his room "What happened A-Qing?" Wen Xu asked "Call Zhao Zulliu" sHe ordered to a wen disciple

That was his name right?

But anyways a year later

"Xian we received a letter from Gusu, would you like to join them this year?" Baoshan Sanren the immortal asked "Yeah sure!!" Wei Wuxian answered "Hm, I'll send them a message. Pack your things you'll be staying there for a year. You and Yanli will have to go" Baoshan Sanren said.

Jiang Yanli Met Wei Wuxian when he was nine years old in Yiling, they became friends and she came to meet him every month secretly and yeah that's all that's going around my mind on how they met.


"San Lang, you have to go! What if you meet one of them there?" Xie Lian said dragging a demon out of it's lair "I'll only go with gege!" He stubbornly said "But, San Lang you can't enter cloud recesses without an invitation. Only one is invited!" Xie Lian said "Fine. If you don't want to meet your Didi then go and do your thing. I'll be off to find him" he said and walked away "Wait!! I'll go I'll go! Just don't leave this poor ghost" Hua Cheng cried


"Could you please let us in? I'm sorry about my brother" Yanli asked "No invitation no entry" a man with white robes answered "Just leave him out and go in" A Jin disciple retorted "YOU-"

"Hello, may San Lang please enter?" Xie Lian asked, the guard couldn't hear him as Jiang Wanyin was blabbering with that disciple. He just started at them, they stood there waiting for a response.

They Got in hours later

"Sorry for the noise earlier" Lan Qiren bowed to Xie Lian "Hello, I won't be staying here for long." "San Lang! You are going to school, didn't you even read the letter?"

Xie Lian handed out the letter to Hua Cheng. Xie Lian thought that he read it when they we're together, It turns out that he was just staring at Xie Lian


Xie Lian then left after saying things that his San Lang couldn't do

Hua Cheng was looking around when, he saw Wei Wuxian who created a silverish translucent blue butterfly, and played with it. Then he continued what he was doing earlier 'A butterfly? Interesting? But how?' he thought

Later that night he saw Wei Wuxian carrying two jars while trying to get up the walls, Wei Wuxian sat down and grinned, he looked at a certain direction and flinched

"It's past curfew" He heard Wangji say "Aiya! Don't look at my drink like that! Oh~ Young Master Lan.. perhaps you want one?" He heard Wei Wuxian speaking "Alcohol is prohibited"

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