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I banged on the tall castle doors. I just want to know what the hell the rumors are about.

Curiosity is taking over and I'm allowing it. I don't have anything else to lose, I don't care if every other soul that has walked past these doors was never found again. I have had this question my entire life at the village, ever since I saw the castle from the distance as a girl. If I die, at least it'll FEEL worth it.

I waited. Nobody answered. It didn't matter to me if they did, even if it was my easy way in. There is a back entrance. I've seen the outside of this castle many times, I come here every 4 months and figure if I should decide my fate right then and there. Though, I always get too scared and never go in. I just want to know what the hell is behind those walls. Demons, angels, possibly Mother Miranda?

No more fucking around. It's go-time.
I go past around the castle walls, and I go down to the back entrance. This one is never used. I could wonder why? Every time I come up to the castle, it gets particularly more and more dusty, until after 2 years someone has finally cleaned it off.

(sorry my castle memory map is super shit so none of those will be exactly correct)

I opened the downstairs door. It wasn't locked. Maybe it's always unlocked, maybe I got lucky. I wouldn't know. I saw very traditional maids cleaning, and stairs going up. The maids looked at me odd, though it didn't bother me as I was the one breaking and entering.

I went up those uneven, rocky stairs and got greeted by a classy mansion. It wasn't at all what you'd expect in this seemingly dark, rustic castle. It was beautiful.

Quickly, some sort of bugs started circling me. Then biting me. They wouldn't go away, no matter how far I had ran. I ended up in a possibly main area. It seemed to be in the center of a lot and had stairs going up each side of the huge hall. The stings were still coming.

A young woman with a black hood formed from the bugs. I feel like I'm hallucinating? Am I?

As if they had telepathy, two more showed up almost instantly. They started giggling while slowly walking towards me. Terror filled my body. I knew what was going to happen. This is going to be the end of me.

I passed out from fear, lightly hearing things like "Oh, out so soon?", and more innocent-sounding giggling.

I woke up and I was tied down. I couldn't move much. The three young women shouted in unison,

"Mother, mother!! It is awakee!" the mother did not seem amused, though she was still turned around from my perspective.

"Oh, what may we do with the fresh prey? It looks so innocent... And delicious..! Please, please, may I keep it?", one of the daughters exclaimed.

"Silence, girls." she shouted angrily. She sounded terrifying. Deep and seductive.

She got up, my vision still blurry, I looked up at her. Her motions and movements were slow and elegant. She was tall, double her daughters' heights. As I made eye contact with this woman,
I suddenly felt as I was taken back to life just to die once more. I was terrified and AWAKE. I started shaking.

She will kill me. I am never going to pet the cats in front of my house again, never going to pick daisies from the fields, my life is over. I don't know how to act.

Pain filled my eyes. The woman seemed almost amused, but she tried to hide it for some reason. I cried. It was warm out, yet I was freezing as cold sweat dripped down my shaking, tied, hands.

She seemed to feel empathy. Or she acted like she did. She ordered her daughters out of the room, her reasoning being "they would further distress me". She calmly yet firmly introduced herself.

"Alcina Dimitrescu, only to be referred as Lady Dimitrescu. Possibly, we got off at the wrong foot?" She asked.

I mumbled something, wiping my tears on my shoulders sleeve.

"Louder." she ordered. I don't know how to feel about her shouting those words at me. She is beautiful, but she could obliterate and murder me any moment she desired.

I inhaled. "I.. I'm y/n.."

She nodded. "Were you at the wrong place at the wrong time today, darling?", she quickly asked.

No, I wasn't. I wanted to be there. I don't know If I want to be here, though. I shook my head no. I don't have anything else to lose, I don't expect i'll be leaving the castle anytime soon.

She did not like that response. She growled with anger, "Then what the hell do you think you're doing, waking my daughters early in the morning for your silly games?! Do not assume I wasn't informed of your arrival immediately. You gutless wench. You deserve to be held captive."

The maid outside the room was not bothered. This seemed to be a daily thing for Dimitrescu. It was not for me, though. I burst out crying, shaking even more. I was freezing. I realized I don't want to die.

She didn't care for my tears.

She walked towards me, she is HUGE. Maybe 10 feet tall? She pointed my shaking head up, revealing my bare neck. She then bit me. It stung, but it didn't feel bad, it was nice... I am not a masochist... Maybe.

Her attitude seemed to change.
"Darling.. you taste like the finest wine." she exclaimed.

Should I feel flattered?.. No. That's weird. She's a villain, a monster.

She looked like she wanted more. Almost voluntarily, I lifted my head up, to once more, reveal my bare neck.

The lady had a shocked look on her face, though she didn't think twice about biting in once more, her fangs stinging me.

I seemed to have calmed down. I stopped shaking, I felt generally better. Maybe it was the loss of blood. I'm going to blame it on the loss of blood.

"Dear.. Would you like to be a working maid here?", she was telling me I should be locked up a few minutes ago, but alright. I must have magic blood.

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