Chapter 1

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✨3rd Person POV✨

Jack lay soundly asleep in his bed, his chest rising and falling softly as he slept. His room was quiet and still, the only sound being the chirping of birds, singing their morning songs outside his window. That was, until the annoying screeching song of his alarm started to sound. Jack stirred in his bed before rolling over with an annoyed groan, smacking the alarm to silence it.

Jack lay with his face buried in his pillow, arm hanging off the side of the bed. He could feel it begin to go numb and cold, it was incredibly uncomfortable. He finally sat up and slid off his bed onto the floor. He stretched his arms out in front of him, letting out a sigh. He shivered as the cold air of his bedroom pricked at his skin like frozen needles. He walked over to his closet and opened the doors, contemplating what he should wear. 'black dress shirt?' 'white polo?' 'purple?-' His eyes scanned the rack of clothes back and forth when he saw a purple shirt.

He didnt own a purple shirt.

He stared at the strange purple shirt before reaching out to grab it. When his fingers brushed over the surface of it, the shirt shifted.

Jack jumped back with a shriek, losing his balance and almost falling over. Jack kept his eyes fixed on the closet, his heart rate quickened as it moved again. He moved backwards as something emerged from the dark depths of his closet.

"Hey there, Old Sport!"
Dave exclaimed with enthusiasm, as if he wasnt just hiding creepily inside of Jack's closet.

Jack blinked and stared at Dave, eyes unwavering from his face. He walked towards him angrily, clenching his fists. Jack was now standing in front of Dave, still maintaining eye contact with the aubergine man before him.

"Is something the mAT-"

Dave was interrupted by a sharp blow to his stomach, he bent over holding his stomach where the blow had been delivered.
'damn can sportsy pack a punch'

Jack covered his face with his hands, letting out a groan before slowly dragging his hands down his face. He shoved Dave out of the way of the closet and reached for the black dress shirt that hung loosely on the thin wire hanger, grabbing it and yanking it off.

Jack spun around to face dave, staring at him. Its almost as if his eyes were burning a hole into Daves head as he stared, annoyed and angry.
The tension in the air was so thick that you could probably reach out and touch it.

Jack raised one eyebrow at Dave and said,
"So, you gonna leave so i can get dressed in peace?"

Dave looked at Jack and blinked before snapping his fingers and turning around towards the bedroom door. He walked out of sight for a moment, but quickly turned around and ran to the doorway to yell back at Jack,

" i'll see ya at work, old sport!" Putting his hand to his mouth and blowing Jack a kiss, before leaving for good. Jack rolled his eyes and began to get changed.

'god this day is already a breeding ground for a fucking migraine'


As Jack approached the entrance of Freddy Fazbenders, he could already feel the annoying aura of disgusting pizza and screaming children that radiated off the cursed building. It wasnt that bad as Jack was used to it by now, but that doesnt mean he enjoys it. He walked up to the door, grasping the metal handle with his hand and pulling the door open. The sound of annoying kiddens and the clicking and whirring of the animatronic animals washed over Jack like a wave of nothing but pure headaches.

He walked through the door, letting it slam shut behind him earning small looks from the tired parents of the overly excited children, basically bouncing off the walls of the sticky pizzeria. Jack walked farther into the building before bumping into Phone Guy, his boss. Phone guy stumbled forward when Jack bumped into his back, and he whipped around to face jack.

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