Chapter 11

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Amy's POV
It was second period of the school day and I all ready what to go home I still have five more classes to go until home time my English teacher is off so we are not doing anything so I text my mom
M- Alice A- Amy
A- mom
M- are you not in class
A- I am I don't have a teacher
M-ah ok honey so what up
A-I want to come home
M-I will add your dad to the chat
D-why am I in the chat
M-our babygirl what to come home
A-mom dad get me out of here the kids are saying there going to kill me
D-stop playing with us Amy
A-I'm not playing dad
D-please just tell me your are  play with us sweetheart
Jinxx POV
10 minutes later
She didn't answer she has not seen the message "baby are you ok" Alice asked me "Amy has not answered the message" I said I'm worried about her "why don't you phone her" Cory said "why did I not think of that"I said "because your a worried dad " cc said
I phoned her it just kept ringing a tear fell "she didn't answer did she" lonny said I just nodded we are in the kitchen I was about to phone her again when the front door banged open we all run to the living room and see Amy covered in blood and crying "m-mom d-dad" she said me and Alice run to her I pull her to my chest "baby what happened" Andy asked " Natalie and James tried to kill me and James tried to rape me" she said in a heartbreaking voice why my baby girl she doesn't do anything wrong to nobody she is a kind hearted girl "Amy we know your in there" Amy was hugging me I give Amy to Andy "Alice stay here and call the cops" I go to the door I open it and she James and Natalie covered in blood "Amy's not here why are you to covered in blood" "because she is going to die for being alive she is a useless person and she is an emo" Natalie said my sister is a police officer she pulled up just as I opened the door she hard everything her and her partner put them in cuffs once they are in the car Zoe comes over to me "Amy's in the house isn't she" I just nodded she come inside and seen her "dad" Amy said she made grabby arms to me I smile and go over to her I pick her up "you told her" Zoe asked "yes we did" Alice said Amy fell asleep on me I sit down in the couch I pet her head "I will see you guys later"Zoe said I can't stop thinking about what they said about Amy and do her mates really love her and I'm I a good dad I look at her mates and them are looking at me "one we herd what they said  is not true said two we love her more than anything and yes your a good dad Amy always talking about how good of a dad you are jinxx" I just smile at them I look down at my daughter who is asleep on me I don't know that I was smiling until my wife smiled at me and kissed me "I think we should take Amy out of school" I nod my head I let my baby girl get hurt "your not the one who hurt me dad and daddy jake can you heal me my power won't work on me" "sure princess" jake said

Jake's pov
I can't believe what happens to my princess they will pay

cc's pov
why did they do that to my baby
they are going to pay for what they did
lonnys pov
I can't believe they hurt my innocent kitten they will pay

Andy's pov
I can't believe they hurt my baby wolf they will pay for hurting her

cory's pov
my baby did not deserve to be treated like that she deserves tinge treated a princess

rhait's  pov
Why would anyone hurt my baby they will pay

Amy's pov

I cant read Julie's mind I gasp everyone looked at me  I jumped out my dad's arms I go in to my wolf I stand in front if the Julie and growl andy and jake smell the air and do the same as me "why are they three alpha growling at me sister" we look at see Julie at the front door me andy  and jake growl loudly we stomp are  front paws ready to attack I fell someone at my neck it's lonny cc was at Jakes neck and cory at Andy's neck the betas we all howl the two Julie's I started to fell dizzy I lean my head on lonny "guys stop it's my identical twin sister please don hurt us" I look at jake and Andy they are looking at me worried I bow my head to Andy so he can take charge he goes back to human form Jake follow and went into human form my injuries are bad I can't transform back to human I run out the front door "AMY" everyone yelled my name I just kept running I ran to the forest I ran to though the river to cover my smell I ran to my hide out

Andy's pov 2 months later
It's been two months since Amy ran out we don't know why she ran away I miss my baby girl we all do 2 more days is all we have left to find her before she goes back in to heat alpha heat is every two months right now me and jake are in are heat "Andy I need Amy" "I know Jake me to"
2 hours later still Andy's pov
The front door open me and Jake run to it thinking it was someone trying to break in as we are the only ones here the others left to find Amy we stop dead in are tracks it's Amy she's home

Amy's pov
I walk through the forest I transform back to my human form last mouth i couldn't go back home because they was a cub hurt I couldn't leave it so I healed it and took her back to her parents that was a mouth ago I saw the house I smell two wolfs in heat jake and Andy I walk through the front door they run to the front door but stop when they see "before you yell at me I was helping a cub who was hurt and lost her parents I had to help her I'm a alpha that's what i do" Andy ran to me and kissed me I kiss him back I fell Jake kissing my neck Andy pulled away "you just keep getting better as the days go on" he kissed me again I was expecting them to rip my cloths off and u know the rest but the just pulled me to bed and fell asleep on me Jake on my chest Andy on my stomach I played with there hair and I fell asleep as well

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