The Beginning part 2

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Akila's Pov

Sneaking out in the morning is not easy. Father was a light sleeper and I swear he has eyes in the back of his head. The walk to where the beast castle was long and hard and of course with my forgetful self I forgot water. So me plus desert plus sun equals a miserable me. I didn't know what the castle looked like but really how many castles are in the middle of the desert? So when I saw one in the distance I assumed it was the place. As I walked up to the porch it felt like something was watching me. The eery feeling as if you weren't safe crawled up my spine and sent shivers back down. I knocked on the door. A hollow bang reverberating through quiet place. A few seconds later the door creeped open slowly making the squeak. It didn't help with my nerves.

I looked into the home to see a dark hallway. "Hello, is anyone here?" I asked as I took a step in. No reply. Except for the door closing behind me. I turned to pull on the handles but they didn't budge. Oh great god! I'm stuck. I started to hyperventilate. I can't see anything. I can't go back the way I came!
I started to walk down the pitch black hallway and soon torches just seemed to light themselves. Now I was even more worried. I went through an arch and saw the dining room. Food adorned the table and was just as majestic as Father had described but I wasn't hungry and let it be.
As I looked around I saw the garden with roses just on the other side. Even from this far they were beautiful. Their heavenly scent put me at ease. I walked closer till a voice said, "Where are you going? Why not eat?" It wasn't smooth or nice. The voice was gravelly and hoarse but not a bit of kindness was heard even though the question was harmless. I turned and in the shadows of the room were two red orbs that quickly over filled my terror meter for the day. I passed out.
I'm sorry for not updating in like forever. I just didn't feel like writing and when I did, I didn't have my phone so it's on a piece of notebook paper where only the gods know where l put it. I thank the people who commented on the last chapter because you guys helped me go ahead and type this up. Thank you again and plz tell me what you think.

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