𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 9 (dinner)

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After are conversation we all got on the dining room woah it's more huge it look like a castle anyways

Hyujin starters at me and then someone went to the table what a surprise it was hae her face was confuse and unpleasant

Hyujin when to her and said

Hae you came anyways have a set

Hyujin mother
Hi there hae how was school

I smiled at her but she didn't smiled at me her face was judging me we all eat and then hyujin mom talks about hyujin and hae

Hyujin mother
And that happened there both together

My response was

There good together i wish you both well and good future

Hyujin laughed but hae said

Of course are future well be better that good

I didn't say and got distracted by hyujin mom

Hyujin mom
What about you nari do you have a soulmate

I smiled shy and said

I don't but i have a childhood friend that i badly want to meet he was the best friend to me but I don't know where he's at

Hyujin mother
You know what i will help you right hyujin will help too


Really HAHAH this is embarrassing

Hyujin mother
There's no embarrassing if you feel that it the one Then its not embarrassing you know

I didn't get it but i laughed hyujin mom was actually really a good person

We where all the and then i told hyujin about the violin and he nods hae said

Im coming too

Hyujin was leading while hae holds his shoulder while going to the stairs i was following the couple of course

And then we went to this room full of achievement i was surprise anyways he sat us down

Be right back I'll get the violin

I'm coming with you.

Nah i can do it just set there alright

Hyujin quickly holds the violin i was looking at him while playing and then his eyes landed to me i felt there was a connection but i just brush that away to my mind

Hyujin view

Playing the violin i remember hae and i are childhood memories but then my eyes lost direction that my eyes landed to nari

I can see her smile being happy that made me smile and be more inspired i felt weird she looks familiar too me

And i finished my performance nari and hae clapped there hands for me and i bowd

Holding the violin i saw the scratch that had a mark at the violin it was

A heart that has a N+H that stands for hyujin and hae that was i thought

Hae remembered this we both scratch this for a remembers

Hae response unsure and looks nervous

Of course why would i forget that

I remember that my dad was angry at me because i made it a mess but me and hae called it a Master piece

Writer note
So i didn't get online for a couple days i apologize

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