𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 10 (good night)

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After the performance i clapped at him you did great hyujin

Your really talented you deserve all does achievements

Hae added

Im proud of you babe you always did great

Hyujin smiled disappear his eyes

My phone rings I took out my phone

And it was my mom was calling me and texting me to come home quick

Oh i guess my time here is done thank you hyujin for the great performance i have to go

Oh alright i will just come with you to let you go home safe

The driver can handle her and she not a child hyujin right nari

Umuh i can manage thank you by the way got to go

I said my goodbyes to hae and hyujin going outside at the car driver

Driving home i happily looked at the window so happy today and then i came to home

I see my mom tearing up i quickly went to her and ask her what's wrong

We both sat down and she started talking

Were going to move to America

When my mom said American her emotion got happy

I was worried i thought something bad she was happy she said where going to move tomorrow

I force my smile even i feel not going

Get your pack ready

I went to my bedroom i see some of my stuff where already rafted i can believe it what just happened to day should i be happy or not

I went to my phone but it got low and turned off i started looking for the charge but i couldn't find it

Hours and hours later couldn't find it sadly anyways i just took some rest think my parents change there mind

Yesh i woke up at the morning closed my eyes think everything is back to normal I didn't think we where moving

I opened my eyes looking around and my face got disappointed all my stuff where all gone now got worst

I went down stairs seeing my sister happy she moving she wears well

I went to my mom

Where's all my stuff now

There already packed up don't worry you don't have to change

My mom started dragging me outside and told me to go the car with my sister

When i was at the car i just slep think this is not happening everything is just a prank or just Vacation right now way

I felt like someone was shaking me i woke up and it was just my sister smiling saying where here in America

I look around and it was a bedroom my large my gosh someone cared me here hays

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