Chapter 1: Dark Doves

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L O N D O N : S u n m i


Sunmi stared up at the moon taking in it's glowing light. She felt alone this night looking up at the sky longing to be home.
Longing to be in exo.
The lost planet of beauty and purity.

"Sunmi." The girl's ears perked up at the call of her older sister Sunhee.
Sunhee strode across the room her aura fierce.
"Yes unni?" The girl watched as her sister flickered a flame up from her palm to light a honey comb scented candle.
"Aren't you supposed to be watching over the one named Kai." Sunhee told her younger sister as the aroma of honey filled the room.
"Well then why are you still here?" The older sister set her eyes on Sunmi giving her a fierce gaze.
Sunhee was the leader of the Exodus.
She had been the first to be branched out from the tree of life.
Sunmi closed her eyes understanding the unnie's words.
She began to imagine the cold dark room the one that brought sadness to her.
She imagined the smell of the room, the white linen sheets on the bed and the red wine curtains that hung over the glass windows.
She imagined the great view of the London tower.
Her eyes envisioned Kai sleeping silently under the city lights.
The symbol on her wrist began to shimmer and she became thin air, traveling through the world in a way no other could.
She had the gift of teleportation.
Her imagination became reality when the scent of Kai filled her.
She was in the room that she teleported to often.
Sunmi watched the young man carefully taking in his facial features, he didn't look peaceful sleeping.
As if something was bothering him in his dreams.
Something captivating him, torturing him.
"Kai" The girl's lips parted to whisper into the legends ear.
His whimpering stopped and peace swept over him.
A smile crept on her lips her heart warming, for he was her life.
She had been watching over him for three years since the exoluxion had been destroyed. Sunmi had become fond of Kai even if he knew nothing of her.
She ran a hand through his hair lightly drying the sweat forming on his brow with a small towel.
"I promise to protect you with all my life, for you are my life without the heart the branches wither away from the tree, becoming lifeless and still" She renounced the same oath each night she came to visit him in his sleep.
Suddenly the man rolled over his eyes fluttering open the girl was fast and she teleported to the corner of the room.
The man's eyes searched in the darkness to find the gentle voice that spoke to him but he saw no one.
Hidden in the shadows the girl's heart shivered at the man's remaining anticipation to one day wake up and find her still beside him.
One day the heart and the branches of the tree will soon reunite, without the heart we are not branches of the tree of life.
The man stood from his bed his body as carved delicately as a statue of marble, firm muscles and strong features.
Searching for the voice that had called his name only to find himself alone in an empty room.
Kai leaned on his balcony taking in the city lights of London.
He hated it here.
It was nothing like Seoul, the city had many memories with his brothers.
He loved it there it was his home on earth.
After the Overdose everything had changed he was losing control of his teleportation abilities, he had lost his brothers.
Sunmi watched him hiding behind the curtain with such anticipation.
She knew that he could never know of her existence.
It was against the Code of The Exodus.


Sunmi under the shade of a tree waiting for Kai to take his morning walk, a routine that was tiring.
She stared as all the semi-cultured people walking around, different from Korea where you saw fewer foreigners.
It was five o'clock in the afternoon rush hour for those getting our from work and school.
The streets were crowded as Kai walked searching for the dark doves.
The birds that he seemed drawn to, there sleak ink wings reminding him of the voice.
He spotted the rare bird perched on a girl's shoulder, the girl smiled at the bird cupping it in her hands.
The girl seemed different from other people in the time square.
Her aura was captivating a mesmerizing energy drifting around her.
She wore a floral crown on her head and a oversize jersey shirt that suited her like a dress.
The odd outfit looked good on her, she must be korean.
Kai went closer to the girl who was seeming distracted by the creature.
"Excuse me, but can I ask where you found the bird?" The girl looked up at Kai her eyes widening in surprise.
"Well it's my own bird" She said letting the bird walk on her arm.
Kai scratched his head, how did the girl fnd a black dove as a pet.
"What's your name?" Kai's curiosity sprouted towards the girl, she was as rare as the bird.
"You see I would love to stay and talk but I have to go" The girl bit her lip walking away.
Her voice seemd similar to the one from last night.
"Wait! Wait up!" At his words Sunmi began to run her heart racng realizing she was just face to face with the exo legend.
In the corner of her eye she could still hear Kai trying to catch her.
She wanted to disappear.
So she did.
Her symbol shimmered and Sunmi vaished leaving dozens of flocking black doves in her place.
The black doves fluttered away the girl suddenly gone..
How did she do that?
He ran a hand through his hair trying to process what his eyes had just seen.
The girl had just teleported.
Only those who came from the lost planet could obtain such capabilities.
He had to find her if she had the gifts of the exoluxion.
Maybe she could give him answers to where are his brothers.
With a stare of to the distance Kai's symbol shimmered and he vanished leaving only puffs of air.

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