The caper

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Whatever you do, do not drop that monkey was the first thing I heard when I recovered consciousness. It took me a dizzy few seconds to recognize the harsh whispered voice as Lea's, my dorm mate. I couldn't place her location because I found myself staring at the grayish brick motar just outside the second story window of the Berkeley Centennial Laboratory. The immediacy of the scenario flooded my senses like a flash of light. I was dangling upside down a second story window with a firm grip on a terrified money's ankle. The monkey was wailing and thrashing and I was doing everything I could not to release my hold, but with each deep scratch on my forearm I wanted to let go. I knew Lea was right because if the monkey dropped that would be the final excuse Maldini would need to have me expelled for good.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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