The Monster

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Deku just continues to scream and cry, while chasing and punching All Might... The Cry Sounds almost demonic, it isn't a roar, it sounds human, a blood curling scream that would send even the toughest people into a panic...

Todoroki, Iida, Tsu, and Kirishima are attempting to stop Deku and Protect All Might...

Todoroki: Izuku! Stop this! We're your friends!

Iida: You Saved me from Stain! So let us Save you!

Kirishima uses unbreakable in front of Deku's punch... He was sent flying, breaking the sound barrier until he crashed into a building... the force of hitting the building causing it to collapse entirely...

Bakugo: Kirishima!

The area of UA was now a crater after the fight from earlier, and it seemed as if 'Deku' was going to make it bigger...

All Might: Izuku! Don't do this!

Deku had All Might pinned on the ground... Deku had wrapped black whip around his arm, and had some of it on his knuckles...

Momo: He's Using it a Brass Knuckles! He's trying to cut off All Might's Head with the spikes!

All Might: IZUKU!

Deku has his fist pulled back, everyone was charging at deku, hoping to save the Symbol of Peace...

Deku Screams loud one last time, opening his jaw so much it tears his cheeks open, showing all of his teeth...

Deku is just about to hit the final blow... when he stops screaming and just sits down and cries... He is hugging a little girl with white hair and a horn...

Everyone: ERI!!!

Eri: Stop it Papa... I know you miss Mama, I do to, but she wouldn't want this...

Deku is unable to speak, just cry...

After a few minutes they try to relocate deku to his dorm room, as soon as they try to bring Eri to the Common Room... Deku begins to shallow scream, and it starts to get louder, but as soon as Eri is put within the room, he calms down, cries, and walks, almost dragging himself, to her...

The Crying Deku makes is quiet and calm, but very sad... he just sits in a dark room and cries...

After 2 days, they realized Eri HAS to be in the same room as him... so they came up with a system, Eri would occasionally go outside with him once a week, but the rest of the time, they are to stay within Izuku's dorm, they'd bring Eri whatever she wanted, Candy Apples, Chocolate, McDonalds, Water, Toys, a Nintendo Switch, whatever she needed to be able to stay in there... as if she left for long enough for Deku to fully trigger, it would be near impossible to bring him back...

on day 5, Mineta, being the dick he was decided to walk in and 'send his condolences' to Izuku...

Mineta: You know, Ochaco was one of the Hottest girls in our class, I miss her too...

Izuku Stands up, Eri was asleep at the moment... but not for long...

Izuku was triggered, he starts to scream quietly, and it gets louder, unfortunately for Mineta, everyone is asleep...

Mineta doesn't even get to make a sound, as before Deku is fully Triggered... They never found the body... but Mineta's Screaming woke everyone up for them to immediately know his fate...

When they next entered the room, the wall was red, blood stains, scratch marks, and few bone fragments were all that remained... Mineta was dead...

Iida, Todoroki, and Bakugo made a team of sub-scientists that decided to study Deku, so that they know what they can and can't do... Bakugo Writes it down in a Journal, intentionally making it seem like an official document so if they die, they can pass it on to someone else...

Report D-1: Initial Report, basic info, Etc.

Date: December 18th, 2022 

Day: 8

Deku has been shown to be very quiet when not triggered, he seems to cry and just hug eri or walk back and forth along the Eastern Wall of the Dorm... Deku seems to be triggered in any verbal mentioning of his former Girlfriend Ochaco Uraraka, who was killed on December 10th, 2022. Any Mentioning of her results in him screaming and crying louder while grabbing his face, this then results in him chasing and attempting to kill whoever mentioned her... 

Deku seems to lack the ability to speak or think complex thoughts, as it appears that his conciousness died with Ochaco...

Deku has claimed 3 victims so far, but made 4 attempts on people's lives, the 3 successful incidents are listed in the addendums... 

Deku will also become triggered if seperated from Eri, his daughter, who is able to do anything around deku and keep him calm, she can say Ochaco's name, and can even bring up stories of her, but nothing will happen...

Containment Procedures: Eri is to stay with Deku at all times, Deku and Eri are permitted to get sunlight once every week... Eri is to hug deku in the event he is triggered, as this can prevent him from fully triggering... No One is to Mention Ochaco Uraraka in any verbal way... Eri is also to be brought whatever she wishes, so that she can be as comfortable as possible, since it is crucial that she stays in there with him...


Addendum-1: December 10th, 2022, The First two victims are killed, Tomura and Uzaki Shigaraki, these two killed Ochaco Uraraka Moments earlier and then died in gruesome, yet quick ways...

Addendum-2: December 15th, 2022, The Third Victim was killed, Minoru Mineta, was 'trying' to 'give' deku 'his condolences' about Ochaco's Death, when he accidentally mentioned Ochaco, His body was never fully found, there just a small bone fragment, nothing else was found...

Addendum-3: December 10th, 2022, Deku attempted to kill All Might, who is Deku's Father, he failed thankfully as Eri would stop him, but this goes to show, that besides Eri, no one is safe...

Day 1 of Journal... 

Written by Katsuki Bakugo...

Re-typed as Notepad Document by Tenya Iida...

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