They Lied...

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Shoto POV: 

We had brought the group to the deserted airfield... yes it was deserted, but that didn't matter, hopefully these SCP People can assist us in saving Izuku... He was my best friend, and I was his, like Bakugo...

We landed, it had been... I don't know, about 8 hours? since we took off...

Third Person POV:

The group was walking into the facility, when suddenly, the troops knocked out a few of them with their buttstocks on their rifles,

Katsuki: OI! WHAT THE FUC-

The entire group was on the floor, with Eri and Deku being taken away...

SCP Commander Theta-2: SCP-OFA Secure sir...

Site Manager: Understood, make the others D-Class personnel, they can be of use to us...

4 Hours later...

Katsuki wakes up in a cell...

Katsuki: Ugh... what the fuck- DEKU?!

Katsuki: They Took Deku!

???: Oh god what... what happnened... man my head hurts

Katsuki: All Might? Are you on the Top Bunk?

All Might: Young Bakugo?

Katsuki: Yeah it's me

All Might: What happened- OH GOD THEY TOOK IZUKU!

Katsuki: Doesn't take long to remember does it...

???: Katsuki?!

Katsuki: Camie!

They can hear each other for the wall...

???: Toshi?!

All Might: Inko!

Inko: T-They Took Izuku Away!

All Might: I know... We'll get him back

They are interupted by all of the doors opening...

The entire class is in that hallway with them

MTF Guard Unit Beta-16 Head Guard: Attention all D-Class Personnel, you have been asleep for 3 weeks, you are now being called for testing, You lot!

Points to half of the class and 1 other D-Class Personnel...

MTF Guard: You'll be testing SCP-173, follow me...

The Other half is taken somewhere by the other guard... This half Includes: Iida, All Might, Katsuki, Shoto, Momo, Camie, Inko, Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Tsu...

MTF Guard: you are about to enter the cage of SCP-OFA, you are to not say the trigger word for it...

All Might: OFA... you mean...

Inko: Izuku...

The Door opens, and the site they see horrifies them, and scars them mentally... in the 3 weeks since he had entered, scars littered his body, evidence of Torturous Testing, He was pale, to the point he was almost white as snow...

He was extremely malnourished, his rib cage showing, his jaw still torn and crying in the corner like he had been...

Eri looked even worse, she had similar scars to Izuku, clearly she was tortured to trigger Izuku...

Eri: Grandmama..? GrandPapa?

All Might: Eri!

Inko: Sweetie are you okay...

Eri can't even answer and she just cries...

Katsuki was Furious... His best friend, and a girl who he saw as his niece were tortured... all because of this place...

Shoto had been standing there... unsure how to react, Shoto had been through Abuse, but that was nothing like this...

Mina, Momo and Camie were in tears, horrified something like this could even be within the realm of possibility...

MTF Guard: We are working on terminating it, after all,  it's too dangerous to survive...

Katsuki: You... WHAT?!

Shoto: Are you an Idiot?! Our Friend is still in there!

Iida: And His Name is Izuku! You CUNT!

All Might: I'll have your heads for this!

Eri, with what little energy she has left, stands in front of Deku...

Eri: To hurt Papa... you have to get through me..!

MTF: Sure kid...

Katsuki jumps the guard, trying to steal his gun, in hopes of getting deku out of here...


Katsuki falls to the ground, bullet holes in his arm, the guard stands up and prepares, to shoot... but something stops him...


The Guard is ripped apart, his arms torn off first, then his head...

Deku calms down... but now they are locked in the containment chamber...

Katsuki: Thanks... Izuku... I knew you were still in there somewhere...

Suddenly the doors opens, the class put their hands in the air... except All Might, who buffs up...

All Might: Don't surrender to these things... 

He says this refusing to call them people...

However once the door fully opens, they realize it's their classmates, and they're packing heat...

Jirou: Oi, Dunce Face

Kaminari: Huh?

Kaminari Catches a Rifle...

All Might: What...

Jirou has brought the rest of the class with her, alongside an entire armory of guns...

Jirou: Grab your guns, we've got a building to burn...

To be Continued...

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