The remembrance of Allah

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(Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.)
(Qur'an 13: 28)

Truthfulness is beloved by Allah and is purifying soap for the heart. And there is no deed that gives such pleasure to the heart, or has greater reward, than the remembrance of Allah.

(Therefore remember me, and I will remember you�)(Qur'an 2: 152)

Remembrance of Allah is His paradise on earth, and whoever does not enter it will not enter the Paradise of the Hereafter. Remembrance is not only a safe haven from the problems and worries of this world, but it is also the short and easy path to achieving ultimate success. Read the various revealed texts that refer to the remembrance of Allah, and you will appreciate its benefits.

When you remember Allah, clouds of worry and fear are driven away, and the mountains that make up your problems are blown away.
Aslamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to all my muslim brothers and sisters. And hi to my non muslim friends :)
Thank you and jazaaka Allah khair!

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