Chapter 1:Flashback

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Hi my name is Ashley! I live with my parents and my baby brother. My parents do not really talk to me and I do not know why. It really bothers me, like when I try to talk to them they always ignore me. I don't like it at all. I can't help, but want to know there secret. I have to do every thing myself. But I don't really care anyways.

I was getting bored so I texted my friend and the only way I knew her is because she is my neighbor.

A:hey I'm bored

Lilly:hi I am too and I was about to text you right when you did

A:lol sooooooo what do you want to talk about


A:me too

L:oh I got a new phone case

A:cool like what color and pattern dose it have?

L:it has a fuzzy panda on it and I love it!

A:awesome I like it even I don't see it

L:lol well I got to go eat my dinner bye

A:oh bye I have to start cooking my dinner

So I pluged my phone in to charge and went down stairs and got out some spaghetti noodles and spaghetti sauce and started cooking. When I was done eating I went to go check the mail out side and we have gotten a letter it was from a boy named Sam. To Ashley. So I opened it up when I got in side and it read:

Dear, Ashley

I know you from school and I know that your parents and your brother don't talk to you. So I am going to help you out a little bit. Well, as much as I can. But the only way we can stick together is if you go out with me. Write me back your answer.

Love, Sam

I thought a moment and I already knew what he looked like so I knew my answer right away!

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