Chapter 2: Her Answer

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After I pictured him in my mind, I knew I had to talk to him at school tomorrow. If I could even find him.

The next day at school when I was done getting all my things situated in my locker, I looked around the hall way. Then I finally found him over with his new friends. He just came to this school a few weeks ago.

After school I got out a few pieces of paper and started to write a letter to Sam. And it read:

Dear, Sam

I would love to go out on a date with you. If you don't mind I wanted to go to Macaroni Jo's! If you don't like macaroni or Macaroni Jo's then we can find another place to go together if you want. Also I am free any day this week and weekend too, so send another note what days you are free. And I am very exited!!! :) XD

Love, Ashley

Then I put it inside of the mail box and went back in side the house. Then the rest of the day and almost all night I was thinking about him and wandering when he will get my letter.

The next day it was a Saturday and when I woke up I ate my breakfast super fast and rusted up to my bedroom and grabbed my phone. As soon as I turned on my phone I got a snapchat and it was a picture of my friend and the caption said:

Hey let's talk about boyfriends!

So I snapchated her back a picture of a black screen and typed:

Sure why?

I don't exactly know why, but all of the pictures we took were of black screens.

L: because. Ok. Who do you like?

A: Uuuuummmmm me? Uuuu...

Then i couldn't think of what to tell her. The truth or a lie?

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