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*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I opened my eyes. It was still kinda dark outside so I got up and went to my bathroom. I took a bath and brushed my hair.

I then put on an outfit and some jewelry and then put on some makeup and did my hair. By the time I was done it was light outside.

I then went to my little sister's room.

She looks so cute her hair is in a braided crown, and she's wearing a red poofy dress with white flats and she's wearing mascara and lip gloss, and she has on her earrings and the same necklace as me.

she smiles. "you look really pretty Livvy." The nickname she gave me years ago makes me smile

"you do too Saga let's go see Alvie." she nods and I go to my brother's room and knock. After a few minutes, he opens the door only enough to stick his head out. I raise my eyebrow in confusion and cross my arms in annoyance. He was supposed to be ready.

"Alivis, why won't you let us in?" he shrugs,

"I'm busy, come back later." He's about to close the door but I use my powers and push it open, me and Saga walk in. I was about to sit down when I saw my best friend come out of the bathroom half-naked. I gasp.

"Tasha what the hell?" she just stares at me wide-eyed, opening and closing her mouth.

"Well?" I say slightly annoyed then finally speak.

"i-i-i um I'm sorry i-i-." She grabs her dress and slips it on fast and runs out of the room. I immediately turn to my brother and glare.

"don't look at me like that sister."  I cross my arms.

"you lied to me," I said, feeling the urge to cry, my twin lied and kept secrets. I wonder what else he's hiding.

A Tear falls down my cheek and he just looks down. I just use my powers and teleport to my room. I lock the door and cry.

Yes, I'm being very dramatic but I feel so betrayed. Not even Saga looked shocked. I've always told him everything, never leaving a thing out. Even when I took interest in his best friend Ethan, I told him he asked me never to act on that.

Then when I noticed my brother and best friend Tasha leaving the room rather oddly I asked him if anything was going on and I told him if there was that I didn't care and he nodded and hugged me and said he would never like Tasha in any way. But why do I care now?

There was a rather loud knock on my door but I ignored it. I don't feel like talking to anyone "don't you ignore me girl I know you're in there and awake and you can hear me." My father of course. He gave up his powers when my mother died. Father has never been the same. I wonder why- oh shoot I forgot the meeting between the kingdom's rulers.

"One moment, father," I say loud enough for him to hear but quiet I stand up and wipe my face and fix my makeup hair, and the dress I then put on a fake smile and open the door.

"yes, father." he gives me a look.

"where the hell has you been we have been waiting for you let's go!!" he grabs my hand and pulls me to the great hall I kinda stumble but catch myself and he lets go of my arm.

"when you take your seat you apologize for being late am I clear." I nod. He opens the door and pushes me towards my seat. I sat down.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I just lost track of time," I say looking down, Alivis is sitting to the right of me and my father on the left, and my sister is next to Alivis.

"it's quite fine girl but that won't be acceptable behavior once your a queen," Odin says.
i nod I won't be queen anyways I'm second in line to inherit the throne and my brother is first and since we are twins I most likely will die around the same time he does so it would go to Saga.

But other than that I would have to marry but no one would want me Ethan told me that after a few of his friends found out I liked him. he told me and I quote 'look I respect you like a princess but if you weren't I wouldn't I mean look at you, your fat ugly and have the most annoying voice in all the nine realms.

Are you sure you're not adopted cause you kinda look like you could be related to an ogre but whatever you'll never be a queen?' I'm glad I'm still looking down cause I feel a tear slip down my face but I wipe it.

"Olivia how would you like to move to Asgard for a while?" my head shoots up.

"I'm sorry what?" they all sigh.

"oh, dear child if you would listen for once in your life! you would know that we are arranging a marriage between you and prince Thor to ensure peace between our people forever and unite our kingdoms for good and we wanted to know if you are okay with living in Asgard but it was just a nice offer but now I shall choose you will go." my eyes water.

"Father please no I don't want to go." he shakes his head.

"I don't care go pack your things and say goodbyes you leave at sunset." tears spill down my cheeks as I teleport out of there.

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