-Chapter one-

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-Averys POV-

"Av c'mon you're going to be late!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.
"Ugh five more minutes, jesus"

"Avery Grey. I am not messing, it's your first day at that school now get up." My mom pushes the door open, a fustrated look crosses her face when she sees I haven't made a single effort to get up.

I see her about to walk over, I jump up
"Right! okay yeah yeah, I'm up"

My mom glares at me before leaving. i feel the love.

I get up and walk towards my closet, picking out a pair of black tracksuits and a random band t-shirt. This shall do.
I was into the bathroom, brush my teeth and tie my dark brown hair back in a low ponytail.

"Avery." My mom yells in a warning voice

I left the bathroom and took my bag from the bottom of my un-made bed im so going to get a lecture about that later, I take one final deep breath and walk out the door and down the stairs, throwing my bag beside the door.

"Change of plans, I can't drive you" My mom says sympicteticsly, grabbing her purse and keys "work called, I'm sorry honey" She walks over towards the kitchen table and grabs her coat, while putting it on she walks over to me, kisses my foreheard and smiles "I love you"

I sigh, I've tried to convince her to at least look for another job. Her current enterprise drains her and I can see it, but she always refuses to leave and i've learnt to accept that.

"Its okay mom, ill use my skateboard." please drive me. Mom smiles again "Have a good day sweetie" My mom leaves the kitchen and walks towards the front door "Bye mom, love you" I yell out "bye hun" she shuts the door. oh realization that she is in fact, not driving me. great.

I grab and apple from the table and walk to the hall and grab my skateboard, I open the front door, throw the skateboard on the gravel and place my foot on it. I turn back using my other foot and grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulders and placing it on my back.

I close the door and lock it, placing the key under the doormat. Then i'm off to school, yay...

~time jump~
- 3rd Person POV-

Avery was skating down the road that lead to the front of the school, she swerved to the right and slowed down. She got off her board and placed her foot at the end of it to flick it up towards her hand.

Some teens gathered around beside the schools main door had noticed her presences, a blonde haired girl turning towards her friend and whispered something in her ear. Avery just rolled her eyes, typical teens and their typical drama.

Avery gripped the board and began walking towards the steps that led up to the door. The blonde girl still staring, Avery could feel it. She half walked-half jogged- up the steps.

She grabbed the handel of the door, pushing it open, but before entering she turned to blondie and flipped her off with a smirk when she saw the offended, discusted look on her face. Avery turned back around and walked through the doors, not looking back.

If she did do that though, she would've saw a black haired -tattoo covered- boy, with an impressed smirk on his face, watching her every move.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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