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"We are here", he said stopping the car infront of her building.
"hmm bye and thankyou for the ride", she smiked at him and was about to leave.
"wait, I want to use WC can I come over??", ye asked scratching his nape. "yeah sure", she said moving ahead.

"y/n I want to talk about something important", he said looking down being nervous.
Y/n: yeah, speak up

"actually.... I"
"hm", she looked at him being curious.
"speak up", she said getting impatient.
"I like you", he said closing his eyes.
"I like myself too", she said laughing.
"I am serious", he sighed.
"Listen Brent, you are very good friend of mine... and I just see you as a friend only.... you must have thought I am being rude with you but I could see that you like me from your behaviour.... and I respect your feelings towards me but it's just I didn't wanted to give you any hopes", she said with a small smile.
"I'll wait... till you accept me", he said holding her hand.

"Actually I love someone else", she said looking away making her eyes widenned. "what....???? Who....????", he asked. "I can't reveal that", she replied.
"Does he also like you...??", he asked with a hope. "I don't know", she replied shortly with a sad smile.
"Then why are you asking me not to wait for you? what if he rejected you?", he asked frowning. "I will never propose him", she said with a straight face. "why..?? Atleast you should him before it's too late", he said controlling his tears. "If he didn't felt the same, then we won't even be friends so it's better as one sided love", she looked down.
"That means we will also not be friends after this...??", his eyes widenned.
"no it's not like that... we will always be friends", she said smiling and hugged him.
"well you can atleast tell me a little about that guy", he said.
"mmm... he is handsome", she said thinking about Taehyung. "I am also handsome", he pouted and y/n chukled.
"Do I know him..???", he asked. "Nope he is korean", she chukled while he looked at her confused.

He bid her bye and left.

Time skips to 9 pm
Y/n went to convenience store to buy some icecreams for herself.

She got the billing done, paid and came out.
(Y/N's pov)
When I came out of the convenience store. I remembered the day we had icecream at midnight, that was so fun. Just then my eyes fell on a middle aged korean woman. She seemed a bit stressed.

I went closer to her, she was speaking something in her language. Thankfully I learned Korean during my 1st year in college, so I can interact with her.
Y/n: what happen ajuma, you seem stressed??
Lady: actually I came here just to see around the market and I didn't realise when someone stole my purse and now I don't have money with me to go to my hotel room.
Y/n: are you alone in this city??
Lady: no I came with my son... but he has gone to one of his friend and I forgot my phone to hotel room, now I don't know what to do.
Y/n: It's okay mam calm down...pls tell me the name of hotel you are staying in, I will drop you, if it seems fine to you.
Lady: xyz hotel.
Y/n: ohh my house is near that hotel only... I can drop you!!
Lady: but is it okay with you??
Y/n: it is okay with me... as far as it is okay with you~
Y/n: I know you don't know me and it is not safe to go with a stranger, so you can take my official card and number for your safety haha..
Lady: ohh so nice of you..thankyou so much.
Y/n smiled and drove her to her hotel.

Y/n: we are here~
Lady: thankyou
Y/n: wlcm
Lady: you are really a nice girl y/n!!
Y/n smiled and bid her bye.

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