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Sorry this took a while, enjoy! 😌

Sun's POV

Day 13

I can't lie, I'm starting to enjoy his presence around the house. I've gotten used to some of his antiques and habits, but I can tell he's starting to get used to me again as well.

I feel at ease with him, I don't think too much about something's anymore.

We had finally started on the project, which was the part about how we became partners in the first place. I wrote down everything he was saying, cause my hand writing was neater than his.

After we finished that part we stopped. I then built up the courage to ask him to stay over.

"Uh Moony?" I mumbled. "What's up Sunny?" Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. "Do you wanna stay over?" I held my hands behind my back nervously. "Sure, let me text my mom first. Speaking of moms, where's yours?" He asked pulling his phone out.

"She's a busy woman." I say smiling. He hummed putting his phone away. "What are we gonna do?" He asked. "Whatever you want." I say clapping.

"Alright I'm gonna head home and grab some clothes, then I'll find something for us to do."

I just cleaned up a little bit...or a lot. Reorganized a few things in the living room and in my room.

I then sat down and waited. I began thinking of things we could do together.

We could fingerpaint!- Tell stories! Drink Fizzy Faz until our heads EXPLODE-! and stay up all night! Hmmm what if he doesn't like it?

Does he like glitter glue? Googly eyes?

Why is he taking so long..

I began to worry as I scratched my hand uncontrollably. It never takes this long for him to go and come back.

What if his mom changed her mind, or he got kidnapped, killed, into an accident! WHAT IF-

My ears twitched at the door knock. I ran quickly to him, he came in, did his routine with the shoe tapping, I did it back since I was worried.

"Sun you're welcoming me again, nice!" Moon says in his same old mood. "Hey, are you-" Moon lifted up my hand, he looked at me angrily.

"Sun...Sunlight why were you scratching? It's even bleeding!" I can't tell if he's worried or angry with me.

"H-hey, don't cry." He said cupping my face.

"I was just upset you're hurting yourself again. What happened?" He questioned taking me to the bathroom.

"I was just...." Will it make him upset?

"You took a while..." I mumbled, not going into details.

"So it was one of your perfect attacks? I'm sorry, a friend had came over and I talked to them for a little bit."


Moon started tending to the injury carefully. "Thank you...for caring." I say crying more.

"It's ok, calm down and of course I care about you. You were my first friend this year."

He wrapped my hand and kissed it. Oh no...

"Moon.." I say blushing. "This is gonna be a routinely thing isn't it?" I nodded shyly.

Now whenever I get self injuries like this, I'm gonna want it to be moon who takes care of it.

"I don't mind.~" He says smirking as he wiped my tears.

We stared at each other for a while, he leaned in a little bit, my face heated up a lot as I was about to accept it, but he got a message, so of course he abandoned me for his phone.

I cleared my throat and left the bathroom sadly. Who's texting him, that he'd abandon me?

"Sun, stop thinking so much. I'm not that important to him, that he'd ignore messages. We were just caught in the moment." I mumbled to myself, unknowingly scratching again until Moon grabbed my hand.

"Relax. You left without me." He says not letting go of my hand as we walked back to the living room.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked. I nodded.

As we began watching the movie I was pissed. He was texting the entire time. Who is it that has all his attention?



AM I BORING? DID HE ONLY STAY BECAUSE HE FELT BAD? He probably doesn't even like me...he's building my hopes up to knock them down...then he's gonna replace me with his other friend, why doesn't he like me? Does he like his other friend?

Am I over thinking?

I just wanted everything to be perfect, I thought he was gonna pay attention to me. I thought I was gonna be his focus for the night. Not his friend!

Am I being jealous?


I'm just upset.

"Moo-" I stopped realizing he was staring at me, he was also really close. "Uhm moon?" I asked, I didn't move because apart of me wanted him to do more than stare.

But why, he's my friend?

I've never...liked anyone before, and it would certainly be bad for my routine if I liked moon, which I don't! I've never...had a crush on my friend before, so it's impossible.

We're just friends and I'm weird.

"Sun what are you thinking about?" He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "N-nothing."

"Im going to the ball pit." I say slowly getting up. "You can sleep where ever you want to." I started walking off but he grabbed me.

"It's past your bedtime ya know?"

"I don't have a bedtime."

"Well now you do."

Before I knew it I was in my pj's, lying in bed.


With moon.

My routine!!

The next morning I woke up all energized, it was also Saturday so yaaay!! I was gonna do what I usually do, but Moon's here.

I froze.

What do I do? If I wake moon up, it'll change my routine, but if I don't, that'd be rude of me, even if he didn't wanna be bothered.

I teared up as I began waking him up. "Goooo-OD morning friend!"

"Uhg, too early."

"Sounds like a you problem! Now wakey wakey!" I explained sitting on top of him.

"Sunny... "

When I finally got him up I did my morning routine and had breakfast. Then moon did the same.

"Hey sun I was wondering if you wanted to make a new friend?" Moon asked. I perked up happily. "New friends?"

"Yea wouldn't you like to meet mine?" I uh..

I'm sure I made an uncomfortable face. "Sun are you alright? Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad!" Am I really not enough?

"I would like to." I say. Moon smiled nervously. "Ok?" Moon hugged me gently. "Everything is ok sunshine." He's too good to me.

Side by Side (Moon × Sun) Human AuWhere stories live. Discover now