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Mandelson Heights

Matthew's POV

"Mattew, I'm going to be gone for a few days. Can you behave yourself?"

"I'm not a little kid Max, what's the worst that could happen."

I was so happy for Max to leave. I could never show it though. You could say me and Max are twins. We both have brown hair with blue eyes. I moved in with Max two years ago; We live in this apartment called Mandelson Heights.

Mandelson Heights was known for its great breakfast. That of course starts at seven o'clock in the morning ending at eight o'clock. People who don't even live here come to get some this breakfast.

Blueberry pancakes were my favorite.

"Matthew, I know you. The worst that could happen is you can get another restraint order. Maybe, you can end up in jail or even a crazy house Matthew. You need to take this serious."

I had to count inside of my head to calm myself down. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

"Okay, fine Max. I'll take it more serious." I gritted out. My finger nails were sinking into my skin. I almost couldn't control myself. If I couldn't control myself my brother would have stayed. Then he would have totally lost cool points for it too.

"Well why don't you walk me out." If he only knew I was about to go freaking crazy. He was pissing me off, more and more by the second. I stood up from my chair and stalked to the door behind Matthew.

Max and I walked down the steps. I counted each time my left foot hit the third step. Then, I divided by two. Twenty seven. Hmm, that was a nice number.

On my last step I smelt the best scent ever. Vanilla mixed with strawberries. I looked to my left and my eyes connected with the most beautifying girl I have ever seen. (A/N I don't know if beautifying is a word but it sounds good.)

She looked like she had secrets hidden behind the surface. While she looked at me with those innocent, grey eyes of hers. She had smooth cocoa colored skin peeking out through her crop top. She had the longest dark curly hair.

"Matthew!! Come on man." I was pissed at him for stopping our connection. I looked away from her for a minute and then I looked back and she was gone.

I walked Max to his car and said my goodbyes to him.

I walked back up to my apartment and started to scrub my floors. The dirt wouldn't come off so I had to keep scrubbing.

I heard a ringing at my door. I didn't stop scrubbing. I had to keep going. My chest was rising and falling and my arms were getting tired.

My muscles were hurting. I've been on the floor scrubbing for thirty minutes.

Tears start slipping from my eyes because I was so frustrated. I was going mad. My floor wasn't going to get cleaned because I was being interrupted my someone at my door.

That mad me uneasy.

I cursed out loud and stalked to the door. I opened it up slowly still counting in my head to calm myself down. My face softening when I see who it is.

I was shocked to see Kelsey.

"Hi, I just came to introduce myself."

"Oh, well come on in." I gave her my signature million dollar smile.

"Want something to drink?"

And that's how all the secrets and lies got out.


I was shocked by the history of why my little Kelsey was here. After that night I just need to have her. I had to have her.

Flash back***

Me and Kelsey were laying on our back admiring the stars. Me and my mother heard to always watch the stars.

That's the only think I like to remember about my child hood. Before my father killed my mother me and Max were close.

We did everything together. Until he put me in a rehabilitation nut house. Without my consent of course.

"So Kelsey what brings you to New York."

She stared off in space for a second before answering.

"Back in my hometown Tennessee. I - I was in a abusive relationship. I was a stupid freshman and he was the quarterback and I was going to be with him. At first I thought was a prank or a joke you know. I didn't take it serious. Until he found out I wanted to come to New York. We had sex and everything. And I thought I was lucky."

"One day he went out and got drunk. He came through my bedroom window. While my parents were out of town for business. We got into a big fist fight and j grabbed my lamp and knocked him out. I had to get away while I could and I called the police. He was in jail,but he's probably out by now and - and I just - I just can't handle..."

She started to cry and my heart broke for her.

I pulled her into my side.

Her head was on my chest and my fingers were combing through her long think hair.

"I'm here to protect you now Kelsey, no one is going to take you away from me."

Flash back over***

I was going to cook a good breakfast for her. Last night I put her on the couch. I started to walk to my room so she could sleep in my bed, but didn't want her to wake up and think I wanted her for sex or took advantage of her.

I was making the best bacon and pancakes I could. Some pancake mix fell on the floor.

Freaking hell.

I started to scrub the floor.

It wasn't good enough so I kept scrubbing.

My finger nails started to scratch the floor each time I scrubbed down.

Blood started appearing on the floor. I had to keep scrubbing now. Or else my floor would be blood stained



I couldn't stop until it was perfect. My arms were getting tired and my nails were hurting.

More blood appeared and I had to scrub faster no matter what.

No matter what.

No matter what.

I just had to do it. I had to.

"Matthew?" The silky angelic voice I couldn't get out of my head whispered.

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