Happy Valentine's Day!

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<><>YOONGI POV<><>

It wasn't that Yoongi hated Valentine's day or love like the maknaes always teased him. He just didn't want chocolates or flowers that fed into the capitalist agenda companies throw at you as the only way to show love to your partner. The stores were practically bleeding pink, and hearts on every corner nauseated the rapper. Yoongi wanted to get his coffee without heart-shaped foam and cheesy music crackling over the cafe's sound system. He cannot find peace until he's returned to his studio. Amongst the starkness of music machinery and the clean scent of his candle warmer, Yoongi relaxes into his routine for the upcoming comeback season. It's good that producing and the general busyness of a new album occupy his day; otherwise, the hype of Valentine's Day might've brought about a migraine.

<><>HOSEOK POV<><>

Just down the hall, an entirely different mood bursts across the scene. Hoseok embraces the pageantry of it all, his dancewear in themes of red and pink, upbeat love songs lilting from the practice room speakers, and a social feed full of cats with sappy messages. He loved the cuteness of the holiday and never failed to fall prey to all the Valentine's Day sales at his favorite haunts. Hoseok had already bought the three youngest candies they'll probably devour after practice, culture coupons for the leader, and made solid plans to join Jin for drinks later in the week. However, that meant only his Yoongi-hyung was left. He knew that holidays didn't always settle well with the older boy. He was shy, and big gestures sometimes brought stress instead of happiness. So to be an understanding friend and attentive lover, Hoseok will treat it like any other day, showing love in the form of routine.

<><>YOONGI POV<><>

Yoongi's back hurts, and his eyes keep crossing in his fight to stay awake. He's been locked away in his studio since he left the dorms, got his much-needed caffeine boost, and arrived at the company about mid-morning. The moon has since made its presence known, he guesses, without having to look at his phone. Picking up said device confirms his suspicions and shows him many messages from his members. Reading their mix of concerns makes Yoongi feel bad, but the worst is the simple "Love you, kitten" from Hoseok. He forgot what day it was in his haze of placing beats just right and polishing lyrics. Just because Yoongi hates commercialized gestures of love doesn't mean that his boyfriend feels the same. Quickly gathering his coat, Yoongi leaves the studio to salvage the holiday, hopefully. Oh, what a clumsy cupid he'd be...

Only the convenience store is open at this late hour, and Yoongi hopes there's something amongst the modestly priced goods worthy of his sunshine boy. The older woman at the register gives him a look of pity, and Yoongi wonders how many other silly boys she's seen doing the same chaotic pacing of the Valentine's Day display that he's doing now. In his haste to get home, he doesn't notice the figure coming down the aisle in the opposite direction. Arms full of red roses and a white plush puppy that Hoseok would find endearing, Yoongi almost topples over in the minor collision. On a mission, he lisps an apology, but the other person's voice finally makes Yoongi pause.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?" Hoseok's warm eyes meet Yoongi's, the younger boy's cheeks bunched up in a blinding heart-shaped grin.

"Hoba..." Still reeling from the oddly perfect run-in, it takes Yoongi a second to see what Hoseok clutches in his glove-clad hands. He had a take-out bag from their favorite chicken place in his left and cheap beer not yet purchased in his right.

Noting Yoongi's curious eye, Hoseok decides to speak up first. "I figured you hadn't eaten a decent meal today and wanted to steal you away from your studio. Guess you caught me, hyung." Hearing the sweet gesture that the younger planned makes Yoongi fall even more for Hoseok if that's possible. He can feel his eyes well with tears of gratitude. Hoseok notices and pulls him close, placing hidden kisses behind the older rapper's ear. "Let's head home, kitten. We can pamper ourselves with one of those bath bombs you brought home from overseas. Even better, what about using one of those flower ones you love to clog the drain with?"

Breathy giggles erupt from the two idols in the middle of the run-down convenience store. No matter the fame, they'll always be silly boys who fell into one another's orbit more than a decade ago. This Valentine's Day may be far from mainstream and less than spectacular to an outsider, but for Yoongi and Hoseok, it couldn't be more perfect. At the end of the day, it's not about the price or size of the gesture for your partner. It's the love and understanding put into it that's special.

Hoseok loves Valentine's Day, and Yoongi barely tolerates it, but together they make it their own kind of celebration. Between greasy chicken conversations, rose-scented bubbles, and bedtime cuddles, they love one another as they always have, imperfectly perfect.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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