Chapter 5

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"Hey guys Im going to work out." I told the girls as I walked downstairs the next morning.

"I think Ill go with you, hang on!" Felicia said running up to change

"Ill hang here. Probably go to the pool or something." Ciarra said while grabbing a poptart.

"Okay! Well you know where we will be if you need us." I told her walking to the door to wait for Felicia.

"Im ready!" I heard her say as she run up pulling my attention away from my phone.

"Alright lets go." I told her opening the door

"So what did you do last night?" She asked curiously.

"Oh you uh know nothing." I told her unsure

"Uhhuh. I heard pitch perfect playing at like 2am." She told me as we entered the elevator

"Oh yeah Cameron came and watched it with me." I told her

"Cameron as in Chris's Cameron?" She asked shocked

"Uh yeah..."

"Is there anything going on between you and Cameron?" She asked weirdly

"Uh no. Why would there be? We are just friends." I told her looking at strangely.

"Oh okay just wondering you know." She said looking off to the side.

"No way."


"You like Cameron!" I shouted as she laughed

"Ha no what why would I like Cameron? I dont even know the kid." She said but I could see the truth

"oh my god you like cameron."

"Shut up shelby."

"Okay okay." I said holding my hands up surrendering and turning away to get my phone out to text Cameron.

"Hey come work out." I texted him

"I was actually on my way." He sent

"Alright see you soon." I am the worst best friend. I thought smiling oh well. Cant help but play a little match maker. The elevator dinged which caused us both to turn away from our phones and turn to the doors.

"Ready?" I asked her

"Yup lets go work out." She said as I put my hair up and walked to the gym. Opening the door I realized it was empty.

"YES AN EMPTY GYM!" I shouted happily. Before grabbing my phone, headphones, and went to get on a treadmill. After about 10 minutes I heard the doors open so I looked up to the wall of mirrors and noticed it was Cameron and....Chris? Slowly down the treadmill, I start catching my breath and getting my heart rate down.

"Hey Cam." I said waving to him

"Hey!" He said before walking over to Felicia. Uh okay. Turning around I went to put my headphones back in when Chris walked up to me.

"Hey." He said

"Hey Chris." I told him sighing before turning around to walk back to the treadmill

"Why do you keep walking away from me?" He shouted making Felicia and Cameron stop talking and turn their heads to look at us

"What?" I asked turning around

"Its cause your scared right?!"

"You dont know me Chris!"

"But I do!"

"No you dont! You dont even know my name!" I shouted

"But I know you!"

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