Chapter 6

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Bobby didn’t have time to be scared or afraid.  Seeing his best friend fall from the sky, his body limp like a broken doll, it terrified him but he pushed the fear aside in the blink of an eye and rocketed towards Spencer.  Bobby closed the distance at an incredible speed and grabbed Spencer around the waist.  If they’d been playing football it would have been an impressive tackle.  He wrapped his arms tightly around his friend and hurtled towards the ground. 

It’s got to be the altitude, thought Bobby.  The higher you fly the less oxygen there is to breath, it’s why airplane cabins are pressurized.  Bobby kicked himself for not thinking about that before blasting off into the night.  He was breathing just fine but he figured it was the result of the changes the Watcher’s had made to his body.  Spencer probably lost consciousness between fifteen and twenty-thousand feet.  Bobby wasn’t sure exactly how high he’d flown or how long Spencer had been unable to breath. 

As he raced to the ground, all Bobby could think about was your brain needs oxygen.  He didn’t know how long you could go without oxygen before your brain suffered some kind of permanent damage.  He was scared to death he’d hurt Spencer, broken him like a carless child with a new toy. 

When Bobby touched down, he laid Spencer on his back and held his hand.

“Come on, breath,” Bobby sniffled.

But Spencer lay there, lifeless. 

Bobby had never taken a CPR class but he’d seen it done on TV hundreds of times.  He pinched Spencer’s nose and pressed their mouths together.  Bobby exhaled deeply and watched Spencer’s chest rise, his lungs filling with air.  Bobby sat up for a moment to see if it had worked but when Spencer didn’t stir, he went back to work on his mouth. 

Spencer woke and sucked in as much oxygen as he could from Bobby’s mouth.  Bobby was so caught up in giving his friend the kiss of life he didn’t notice Spencer’s eyes were open.  Spencer, ever the prankster, saw an opportunity and went for it.  He gently slipped his tongue into Bobby’s mouth.

“What the hell!” Bobby choked.  The kiss startled him.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it,” Spencer giggled.

“You think this is funny?”

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, you kissed me first,” Spencer smiled.

“I wasn’t kissing you, I as giving you mouth to mouth.”

“If you say so,” Spencer continued to grin. 

“Spence, you could have died!”

Spencer rolled his eyes.

“No I couldn’t, I was with Superman.”

“Dude, that’s not funny.”

“I’m not laughing.”

“I almost killed you because of these stupid powers.”

“They aren’t stupid and you didn’t almost kill me.  It was an accident, Bobby.  They happen sometimes.”

“It’s too dangerous.  Someone could get hurt.  We got lucky this time.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’ll fly us home but after that, I don’t know,” Bobby sighed.

“Bobby, you can’t turn your back on this incredible gift…” Spencer started.

“What’s so incredible about nearly killing my best friend?” Bobby snapped.

“You’re upset, I understand that.  Promise you won’t make any rash decisions.  You’ll think about this?”

“I guess so,” Bobby agreed. 

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