♡Reunion of our Bunny♡

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TW:Read Desc *AU*

No one's POV

After Takemichi left the town for his College Scholarship, Toman was heart broken. How can they handle their everyday boring life without Takemichi? Well After years Takemichi decided to do another Job instead of being a Lawyer, the complete opposite of lawyer so called Mafia, he was given a chance of being the captain of the Mafia his friend/leader demanded because his Wife was pregnant and that he didnt want to join any dangerous works anymore.

Takemichi's POV

Last 2 years, my Boss gave me the opportunity to take care of the Mafia which is being the Captain and after at least for a 2 years once again of hardworking for the Mafia he has given me full permission to be the Mafia Boss, IT WAS FREAKING CRAZY! But Mafia is not something to joke about so I focused on works. Today I decided to go check on Hina to see what she was doing. I bumped into someone and shocked as if I've seen a ghost.. MIKEY? DRAKEN, BAJI, Mitsuya AND FKING KAZUTORA??? I was totally in shock but why was Kazutora with the 3? Maybe he has forgiven him I guess.. I quickly stand up and apologized like nothing had happened, I thought they forgot about me not until someone spoke.

Mikey: Mitchy?
Baji: I'm sorry.. What?

They were in shock to hear what Mikey said, HE RECOGNIZED MY NEW LOOK STILL?? I stood there speechless until I spilled something I didnt know why..

Takemichi: A so called Toman Presidents and captains huh. Long time no see Mikey Kun♡
Kazutora: No cause for real why tf do you look like that man..
Takemichi: what? I cant change my looks after 6 years?
Mitsuya: No changes on the inside what so ever Mitchy~

Yep, they are still as flirty as they used to be, but all the sudden I felt and clingy hug in my body, it was Mikey Kun♡ I carried him and hugged him back.

Mikey:You're strong Mitchy♡
Takemichi: Well.. maybe because of my work. Anyways enough reunion I really need to Visit Hina Chan😅
Draken:I thought you two broken up?
Takemichi:No.. why would you think that hehe..
Baji: Cause we saw her kissing Kisaki..

I froze and not even a minute I heard that I felt a water blurring my vision and I know they wouldn't lie about that because they trust me even after 6 years of far away no communication..

Draken: Hey.. sorry she cheated on you..
Mikey: Shouldve just kicked Kisaki's Butt. Mitchy let's go to your house if it's near so we could at least talk about it and comfort you♡
Takemichi: Yeah...

All of the sudden Draken Kun carried me in his shoulder, I shouted to put me down but he didnt listen ofc, typical Draken Kun. We arrived at my house, Draken Kun put me down so I could unlock the house at least and we all went inside. We talked about how they were in a Mafia now and I froze once again when they asked me my Job.

Mikey: Ne ne.. Mitchy what's your Job
Takemichi: Uh- that's.. a secret
Mikey: Butttttt pleaseeee
Takemichi: *Sigh* I am a Boss of a Mafia.
Draken: Woah-
Kazutora: crybaby Boss
Takemichi: 🙄
Mitsuya:I bet he still whines, UK what I mean~

I flushed into a tomatoe after hearing that from a kind Mitsuya Kun who changed into a perv😀
I never knew he could speak such thing though. I got a Phone call from Hina and I answered it with no hesitation but the others were just staring at me smirking.. Wtf do they wanna do to me?

Takemichi: Hello?
Audio: HuFf* Kisaki kin faste- ruha-

I turned that off and throw the phone out the window. I was calm although I heard enough proof and reason to target Kisaki Tetta.

Takemichi: Guys let's go to a device shop, I wanna buy a new phone.
Draken: You're gonna waste mone-

I showed them my black card and dragged all of them out the house, Locked the door and called an uber.

Mikey: Mitchy how do you have a black card??
Takemichi: Uhmmm.. (Do I tell them I used to be a stripper?- Nah nah..)
Kazutora: Definitely stripped😏

I am now again in a Blushing mess almost having fever. HOW TF DID HE FIND OUT? I carefully took it for myself only? Or.. Did he come to where I used to work?..

Takemichi: how'd you know that Kazutora Kun?
Kazutora: what.. I only guessed because most strippers has a black card and they get paid enough to have an expensive stuff?..
Baji: Mitchy you're not allowed to show your Body to others except us yk..
Takemichi: S- Shut up..

The Uber arrived just in a minute after the conversation, we all got inside the car and I asked if the Uber accepts Black card, Luckily they do cause I didnt wanna waste my Cash.
We arrived at the mall and I crashed into someone, It was my Boss or so called Noah.

Takemichi: Hello Noah San!
Noah: Oh my.. can you stop growing Heights like I'm pissed off right now. Well who are these people Take Chan?
Takemichi: Oh, My old frien-
Mikey: Boyfriends.
Noah: dang they hot- Jkjk
Takemichi: Well what's up with the scar on your face?
Noah: I got targeted during the time I was with my Wife, He almost shot my Wife including the baby's risk..
Takemichi: What.. who are they?
Noah: They are, Bonten. New Mafia I think.

I turned around and smiled evily at them because they told me that they were the Boss and Captains of Bonten. I knew they were scared because I saw them shiver from Head to toe.

Takemichi: Would you like a Ride Noah? I will order an Uber for you?
Noah: Oh it's perfectly fine my house is near 3 blocks away. I'll be taking my leave now Takemichi~
Takemichi: Goodbye Noah~

No one's POV

Takemichi Turned around and glared at them giving all of them shivers once again. Takemichi asked a question

Takemichi: Care to explain?
Mikey: So uh- We didnt knew Mitchy..
Takemichi: Pointly enough to understand. Let's go♡
Baji: Fast Mood swing ah..

Takemichi went to Apple shop and to the clothing shop, all for them where carrying the bags for mitchy cause they owe him and his Mafia an apology so they all followed what Takemichi wanted to do. After 30 mins of shopping they went back to Takemichi's house riding an uber and got out the car to get inside the house after paying.

Takemichi: I have, Guest rooms. Its getting late so you guys can stay.
Mikey: Mitchy I wanna sleep with you~
Takemichi: Oh okay if you say so..

The others were glaring at Mikey getting a chance of sleeping with Mitchy so they asked Mitchy too giving Puppy eyes that Takemichi couldn't resist at all so all he could do was just agree😩

Takemichi: I'll go take a shower no entering My room. Snacks in the fridge.
Kazutora: Can I take a bath with yo-
Takemichi: No.

Turning back, Takemichi went in his room to take a shower leaving the 5 alone in the living room, Not even a min later Mikey ate some snack that was inside the fridge but he limited his snacks because there is still a dinner so he decided to see if Takemichi was done. Mikey went inside Takemichi's room only to see a Woman naked..


The others rushed inside the room to see a women naked also-

Mitsuya: YEAH!
Takemichi: Bitch? This is my house and GET OUT MY ROOM!

They left the room confused and blushing, After a while, Takemichi got out the Room and they told everything to Takemichi and he was laughing hard that tears were running down his cheeks, No way they are this stupid..

Draken: That was you?-

They tried apologizing to Takemichi Luckily it worked or they will become emo😹


Next part contains smut so yeah- 1408 words on count♡

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