Everything goes by my Plan.

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Welp yk that there are TW So yeah GL loves♡

No one's POV

Takemichi: I changed my mind about our plan.
Mikey: wha- why
Takemichi: There was actually someone spying on us yesterday, I would like to be positive and change the plans.. We will just have to use a Sleepy Gas, If it doesnt work we will still have a backup sniper ofc,
Draken: I guess that could work, take a handkerchief with you at least to cover your mouth and nose.
Takemichi: Let's get changed, the meeting starts at 5 PM.

Takemichi went to his room to change into a Short tightened black skirt + Back crop, kinda looks expensive but anyways. As he was changing he turned to Hina and gave her a Beautiful lighten brown Dress♡

Takemichi's Clothes:

Hina's Dress:

Takemichi: You look beautiful *Fake tears*
Hina: You look better in Black and Red I realized♡

The 2 complimented each other while putting some makeup and "Girls stuff" while the guys were secretly watching them.

Kazutora: Dang look at her tight skirt its showing up her ass:/
Draken: She looks fine as hell~
Mitsuya: I wonder what I can do to her when she wears something I kinda made♡
Others-Mitsuya: What did you make?
Mitsuya: A sexy Fit you guys might like~ I'll show it later♡

They left the door waiting for Mitchy and Hina to be done. And btw this is their fit (Matching Fit for bestays yk♡)

They have each of their own perspective colored suit matching going from Mikey which is Black, Draken whose wearing darkish green, Mitsuya wearing a Dark blue, Baji whose wearing Red and lastly Kazutora wearing black with stripe dark yellow.

The 2 girlys came out the room and Takemichi was flushed of the handsome view of her Lovely BFs♡ Although they weren't wearing it in a correct way, they still look hot as ever for Mitchy why Hina was just standing there smirking at Takemichi's flushed expression face.

Baji: Dang Kazutora, You really like Banana huh
Kazutora: Wdym by that?
Draken: He means that you like dick-
Baji: yeah a lil of so called dck but I meant look at his hair and his clothes, Stripe Yellow like a banana😹
Kazutora: You bitch!
Baji: Calm down now bottom
Takemichi: You guys are ridiculous, Let's go Hina I brought Carlo.
Mikey: Who may that be?
Hina: Its take chan's Childhood friend or his servant now.
Takemichi: Yeah cmon or we will leave without you~

They all left the house and went in the Car, Takemichi Greeted Carlo in the entrance where Carlo bowed at her.

Takemichi: So when are you gonna stop acting so cruel on me Carlo?
Carlo: Huh- I did something wrong Take Chan?
Takemichi: Yes, and that is you treat me like a fking queen and not your friend!
Carlo: Oh-
Hina: Typical Carlo, He always wanted you to be his Queen Mitchi~
Takemichi: Wow nice
Carlo: shes lying I have a wife already♡

Takemichi's POV

Hina Glanced at the 5 boys whose expression turned from Intence to Relief after they heard that Carlo had a Wife already or else.. Yk what happens, KRAZY Simps and Harems. They arrived 5 mins before the meeting, They all got out the car and the Assistant lead them all to the Meeting room.

Takemichi: Greetings Kisaki Kun~
Kisaki: Hina sit next to me, also who is this woman?
Takemichi: Dont remember me huh, Its your ex Take
Others-Takemichi,Hina: Ex?!
Takemichi: Indeed, Since I am trans gender you guys didn't recognize me because of my Feminine Body curves♡ Its fun being a Women who can trick guys using their fake or new Body
Hina: Anyways, Shall we start?
Mikey: I assure me shall start now.

Start to end of the meeting, kisaki answer yes or no if necessary but he then started raising his voice after I threatened him to give a head of the company and Hina free, He disagreed ofc so no choice what so ever, our Spy threw a Sleepy Gas bomb in the room that filled every inch of our body, the guards fell but exactly Kisaki didnt because he reacted so quick, quicker then us but before he could pull out his gone he was shot in head by our Spy, Thanks to his help.

Takemichi: Alr good job let's go I'll bring the Files and laptop with me, Go to the car and cmon Akkun♡

Akkun was our Spy or so called Sniper, Hes a professional and thanks to that we became friends when I helped them find a new house. Who are They you may ask? It's the MizoSpy, They were in a total member of 4 but one of their friend died.. Sadly but their names are Yamagishi, Akkun, Makoto, and our Legend Takuya, Hes the one who sacrificed his own life for his friends/us to be saved. He was shot by Kisaki Tetta which is the reason why Akkun was here, he wanted revenge, He wanted to Avenge Takuya's death.

Akkun: Finally after months from Takuya's death I finally avenged him, This is the best job I could imagine~

Akkun kicked Kisaki's dead body before we all left the mansion to Carlo's Car heading back to my house. We do ofc have our own private base but it's still much comfortable being in my house because it has a lot and better experience of securities, that is how I detected someone was spying on us or Kisaki.

Hina: I cant thank you enough Takemichi Kun and all of you..
Takemichi: Hey, If whenever you are in a feeling of force, you can talk it out to me I will help you!
Akkun: You're so selfless although Takemichi, Takecare of yourself too!
Takemichi: My selflessness is how I show my trust to a person, get home safely You guys!

Before Akkun, Hina and Carlo could leave, Akkun Kissed my cheeks and waved goodbye while I was just in a moment of dying in blush mess, I sensed that my Bfs were angry because I felt a glare behind me. Oh pls no punishments again!

Mikey: Mitchy..
Draken: get your ass to workout and ready~
Baji: Or else you'd be whining harder than before♡
Takemichi: Like hell you'll catch me!~

I ran away from them and they proceed to chase me 5 times around my huge house.

At last we are done! I'm not used to making longer episodes of my scenarios but I'll try my best to make it at least go to 10+ if I can handle it. THANK YOU FPR READING! Next story is "Reincarnation or Savior" 1127 total words counted.


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