Chapter 5

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"Mind-Bending Speech"

3rd POV

After that astonishing display of dominance leaving everyone in shock, Bucky is the first to break the silence by addressing the panther cub directly.

"Hello Chrysanthemum, it's good to see you again." Bucky greets her.

The panther turns to look at the soldier, brightly shining emerald eyes light up in recognition. Chrysanthemum gracefully stands on all fours and softly pads over to him, Bucky reaching a hand out to gently pet her on the head.

Everyone watches in silence as the two have a small reunion after not seeing each other for 3 years. Steve finally snaps himself out and looks to Jura and Laxus to start the meeting while Chrysanthemum makes herself comfortable in front of Bucky.

Since everyone had already introduced themselves earlier, the meeting was finally started. Although, two Godly Avengers weren't paying as much needed close attention as everyone else as they were watching the panther cub soaking up all the attention she could from Bucky as he was still petting her.

Loki was watching his daughter in fascination, as he had never seen or felt a magic quite like hers before. He was in true awe of her and couldn't wait to officially meet her. He gently let his Aesir magic flow freely and begin to brush against Chrysanthemums' lightly, ready to pull back at any moment in case his daughter would not reciprocate.

Thor on the other, was astounded at seeing his one and only niece as a feline. As he had only ever seen Loki shift his body into that of an animal before, even though it was as a snake when they were younger. Although Chrysanthemums' magic was a little different, he could still feel the Aesir magic running through her, he was also sure Loki could feel it as well.

Chrysanthemum was lounging herself in front of Bucky, eyes closed, soaking up his gentle pats, listening to everyone make plans to take down Oracian Seis. Chrysanthemum is not one to drop her guard, so it was expected that she knew since the moment the Avengers walked into the room, that two of them kept a close eye on her. She could feel their aura and the magical essence pouring off of Loki, his magic reaching out and gently caressing hers as though afraid she would react violently. The cub just let her magic flow slightly with only Jura and Laxus taking notice but not outwardly reacting as she was still laying down as if asleep.

Hearing Steve speak with authority, the three fully tune back into the meeting catching the Captain take charge and place everyone into the following team-ups. "Blue Pegasus stays together, as well as Lamia Scale, you guys are gonna take on Racer and Hoteye. Natsu, Gray and Erza stick together. You three are to focus on Cobra and Cubellios. Stark, Nat and Barton go after Angel. Laxus, Chrysanthemum, Thor and Loki, you four will take Midnight. Leaving Bucky and I to take on Brain. Banner will be back-up (code-green) if anyone needs it."

The Avengers all share looks amongst themselves and begin to nod agreeing to the plan, Loki especially happy, although not outwardly showing it that he is to be working along side his daughter so he can keep her safe. The mages however, also share glances amongst themselves and start to show displeasure due to the group match-ups compared to who they will be fighting. Since the mages have home-advantage, seeing as how they will be fighting their own kind and the Avengers have clearly underestimated their opponents, Erza takes it upon herself to speak up and make adjustments.

"The plan is good, but it can be better." Erza takes charge immediately.

Continuing on, Erza states the changes to be made, "Natsu and Gray will deal with Cobra and Cubellios. Laxus, Jura and myself will go after Brain. Thor, Loki, Bucky and you, Steve will go with Chrysanthemum to take on Midnight. Everyone else, exactly as the Captain said."

Pleased with herself and the new plan, Erza looks to Chrysanthemum for approval, delighted to see that the panther cub is already looking her way and subtly nods her head.

Chrysanthemum stands to all fours and gently jumps from the table to the ground. Making her landing, she slowly turns to the group while simultaneously shifting back to her natural from; human.

Standing in front of the Avengers and the gathered mages is a nine-year old girl wearing a red and black plaid skirt, white long-sleeved button up with all the buttons done along with black sheer tights and knee-high black combat boots. (Outfit below, no headband and no designs on shirt) Her long low back snow-white hair is done half-up in two space buns and half-down flowing in waves, her normal go to hairstyle.

Now fully facing everyone, she scans the room making eye contact with them all and sends a cute little close-eyed smile and simply states.

"Let's get to it then"

"Let's get to it then"

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Tony hands all the mages ear pieces to help keep the communications line open between them all

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Tony hands all the mages ear pieces to help keep the communications line open between them all. After showing them how to put them on and how it works Chrysanthemum addresses Hibiki of Blue Pegasus and then everyone else.

"Hibiki, stay here in the temple and use archive to narrow down Oracian Seis location. Once you have it call it out. As for the rest of us, let's stay together with your team, keep safe and I hope to see everyone back together in one piece."

Sending one final look to the group, Chrysanthemum turns and starts to walk out of the temple not even stopping to wait for the four men that are to accompany her.

Laughing to himself, realising what she is doing, Bucky elbows Steve in the ribs slightly and tilts his head after the young girl before he starts to follow her. Bucky's actions sparks everyone into action as they all set off on their missions to be completed.

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