Chapter 16: Breaking Up

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"Chris, can we talk?" I asked.

"Of course. What's up?" Chris asked.

"I would like to terminate my contract with Marvel and break up with you," I said.

"Why?" Chris asked.

"I have feelings for another guy," I said.

"Who?" Chris asked.

"The truth is, I have feelings for Eric Nam. The singer who I went to go make a song with. I'm sorry, Chris, but I don't think this is working anymore," I said.

"Well, if that's how you really feel, then go ahead. Break up with me and date that singer if that's what'll make you happy," Chris said.

"I'm packing up my stuff and I'm leaving. We're over, Chris. Goodbye," I said, walking away.

"Fine!" Chris exclaimed.

I start packing up all my belongings in Chris' room. Tears start streaming down my face. Our relationship only lasted around 6 months. Now, I'm running off to date Eric Nam instead. I know I'll be much happier with Eric than I was with Chris. The truth is, Chris Evans is far too old for me. He can find a girl who is much closer to his age than me. Eric might be 15 years older than me, but it's better than the 22-year age gap I have with Chris. I just don't feel like this relationship with Chris is going anywhere. I wish to move on and date other people.

Once I've packed everything up, I order an Uber to Chris' house. This is it, I'm breaking up with Chris and terminating my contract with Marvel. I don't regret my time with Chris, he was one of the best guys I dated. I just didn't feel like the relationship was real, and that it wasn't going anywhere. Chris can find another girl who is closer to his age, and someone who will truly make him happy. I'll be much happier out of this relationship than I was in it. I hope Chris is happy after I've left him. I hope I didn't break his heart too badly. I just wanna move on and date other people.

I head to Marvel Studios and tell them that I would like to terminate my PR contract.
"I don't want to date Chris Evans anymore," I said.

"Are you sure? You've only been dating for 6 months," Taylor said.

"Taylor please. I'm not happy in the relationship. I want to terminate my contract," I said.

"Okay, I'll process the termination. You should be out of the contract within 3-5 business days," Taylor said.

"Thank you. I'll be leaving now," I said.

"I'm glad you let us know that you're unhappy in the relationship. We don't wanna force something that isn't there," Taylor said.

"Yeah. I found a new guy I think I'd be way happier with," I said.

"Good. See you later," Taylor said.

"Bye," I said.

After terminating my contract that forced me to date Chris Evans, I felt this weight coming off of my shoulders. I feel freer now that I don’t have to be forced into dating someone I don't really like. I changed Chris Evans' contact name in my phone from Chris🥰🥵 to just Chris. There's no hard feelings, and I think we can just be friends moving forward. I just need time away from Chris to heal. At the beginning of the relationship, it felt fun and fresh. At the end of it, I just wasn't feeling it anymore. I want to date other people. I want to experience a normal relationship that doesn't have a contract attached to it. I know Eric and I will have a nice relationship. I think Eric is the first person I truly fell in love with.

Later that day, I texted Eric telling him that my relationship with Chris is officially ended. We can go on our first date after my termination has processed. Eric and I can go on our first date in 3-5 days once the contract is fully terminated. I feel proud of myself for breaking up with one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. That takes a lot of guts to do that. Now, I'll be moving on to dating one of the biggest stars in South Korea. That's a big step. From Hollywood actor to K-pop idol. That's quite the jump. Either way, I know I'll be much happier in my relationship with Eric than I was with Chris Evans.

*One Week Later*
I got an email confirming that my PR contract with Marvel Studios has been terminated. I am no longer required to date Chris Evans. I have the freedom to go out with whoever I want to. I found myself an apartment for $1,000/month in the center of Los Angeles. I invited Eric over to my new apartment. He brought me a bouquet of roses and a giant teddy bear.
"This is our first official day of dating," I said.

"Cheers to that, baby," Eric said.

Eric and I drink some sparkling cider. This already feels much better. Eric wraps an arm around me as we watch Private Lives together. Private Lives is a K-drama starring Seohyun, Go Kyung-pyo, Kim Hyojin, Lee Hak-joo, among many other stars. Eric and I watch three episodes together before I called to set to film the second Young Avengers movie.
"I've got to go, babe. They're calling me to set," I said.

"Okay, I'll see you after work," Eric said.

"I'll probably be home late," I said.

"I'll be waiting," Eric said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Okay, bye," I said.

"Bye," Eric said, waving goodbye.

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