The Breakup

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I know rhea has recently split from her partner and in this book he doesn't exist- maybe as friends but nothing more. enjoy :)

The screaming and yelling ended with you packing a small bag full of your wrestling gear, as well as your clothes and shoes. Anything else you needed was already stored in your car from when you started leaving that morning.

It was currently 8 pm and you just finished your angry cry in your car, outside of Rheas house. You didn't have anyone else to go to, considering you moved from your home state to Florida. You and Rhea had met in the NXT locker rooms when she had to patch you up after your fight, she had made a joke that only you thought was funny and there blossomed your friendship and one sided love. Thinking about it brought a sad smile onto your face, Preston had known about your crush and laughed about it. Even though he didn't seem bothered by it, he still brought her up in every argument.

One argument started about cupcakes I was taking Rhea to congratulate her on making it to the main roster. Preston didn't like that I wouldn't let him eat one and said that I take her more seriously than him, he said that shes taller and stronger so I saw him as weak. I just stared at him then walked out to my car with my fresh cupcakes, not wanting to entertain his ridiculous claims. Despite the feelings I had for her, despite how many times her Australian accent made my legs numb and my knees weak I put our friendship over it all. Her smirk made my face heat up and her genuine and ring smile made my heart melt, nothing came before our friendship. So when I refused to come to his stupid Superbowl watch party and instead went to the gym then out to eat with Rhea he threw a fit.

Now it seems like I'm the only one at fault here, last week he ditched our date plans that we made a month in advance to go to a strip club with his brother. Then three months ago he called sick out of work to watch a women's volleyball team play in their 'new spandex shorts', he said it was more important. All of this comes a year after he cheated on me with fourteen other women. Do I feel bad for focusing on myself? no. Do I feel stupid for staying with him? absolutely. I didn't want to bother Rhea but I didn't know what else to do.

I saw movement in her window to signal that someone was home so I turned off my car and fixed my hair, I wiped the mascara that ran down my cheeks and put lip gloss on. I felt self conscious without make up around her but for now lip gloss would do, I got out of my car and took a few deep breathes. I stayed composed the whole time going up to her door and even when I was knocking on it. She opened the door and looked down to me with a smile planted on her face the moment her eyes met mine, I looked into her dark blue eyes for a second and heard they first words spoken slip through her perfect lips.

"Hey y/n, what are you doing here?" her genuine smile. her soft features. her perfect eyes, lips, mouth, nose. Everything. I felt the tears rush to my sinuses and watched as her face shifted to worry as she saw wet, fat tears roll down my face in heaps. I hadn't spoken a word yet but I couldn't, my voice was caught and my throat was swelling. She pulled me into a tight yet comforting hug as I cried into her chest, nothing felt better than to be in her arms. She felt like a warm blanket that was wrapped around me and smelled like a home, her body wash and clothes soap swirled together through her band shirt. I gripped the sides of her shirt into a knuckle-whitening grip, the way she gave me hope just by hugging me was astonishing to me.


That was all I said- all I was able to say as she shushed me and rocked me in her door way. I felt at home in her arms and her heartbeat made me sleepy.

It had been a few weeks since me and Preston broke up, Rhea moved me into her house with my two cats. Poe and Mousie. We have been taking care of each other and she even likes to come into the room I was occupying, to sleep with me at night. Let me tell you-- cuddling with Rhea Ripley is literally heaven and if anyone tells you differently then they are wrong, nothing is this world could make you feel safer than her arms wrapped securely around you. She made the best blueberry waffles in the morning too.

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