You Summoned Me?

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I'm writing this as I'm working on a fan art of Rhea so it's going to be another fluff. I felt like last chapter was a bit insane and rushed so I'm going to try a different approach. also this is based off a dream I had last night. y/n has a name thats also her name, its Carter Baszler. Idk why I was Shayna Baszlers sibling in my dream. y/n uses she/they pronouns in this one :).

I stood behind my sister Shayna as we walked into the locker room, I kept my eyes leveled down to avoid eye contact.  A tactic I used in school so teachers and other students didn't talk to me. Even at 21 years old my anxiety rose in social situations, however I learned to navigate that while in character.

"Hey everyone, this is my sibling Carter. They will be joining us in NXT." my sister was always the opposite of me, she knew how to speak in a way that made people instantly shut up. She waved someone over as I hid behind her and handed a script to them, she brought them up to speed on what was happening for them and me. I figured this was The Rhea she and the management informed me of but I didn't have the balls to meet eyes with them, I don't even know why I was doing this occupation. If I was smart i would run off and never look back.

I'm obviously not smart because it had been hours since ShayShay introduced me to everyone, here I was getting ready to run out there and steal the show after Rhea wins. The stage manager lets me know it's time and I do one last minute breathing exercise before I walk out to the sound of my theme song.

I walk up the metal steps and step in the ring, smiling at the crowd. They screamed with excitement as I tilted my head, slowly bringing the mic up to my lips. They quiet down allowing me to start my promo.

"Wow, what a beautiful audience." I paused and allowed myself to go over my script in my head. I looked to Rhea who was playing confused, my heart danced for a second in my chest and decided to go off script slightly. "Rhea Ripley. You're much more gorgeous than I could have imagined." her face tinted pink and she noticed the stray from script. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Carter Baszler. You may know my older sister- Shayna Baszler."

I heard boos echo in the crowd which made me smirk, Rheas eyes traveled over my body almost as if she was sizing me up. "Well, it seems you have heard of her. I guess I'll get to the point then, Rhea Ripley I'd like to challenge you to a match. If I win we get to go on a date, if you win- well you get to chose what you want if you win." my smirk widened as I emphasized if and she copied the smirk on my face as she grabbed the microphone from me. "You got your match, Carter" and with that she dropped the mic and walked off.

A week had gone quickly and I was bouncing side to side as I waited for my cue, as my song blared through the stadium I shook my head to ease the nerves that bubbled in my stomach. Rhea was already waiting for me as I ran out and did my opening move, I ran out to the ring and walked up the metal steps. I slid through the bottom and mid rope, keeping a flirtatious eye contact with Rhea and smiled widely in character as she winked.

Within a few minutes the match had started, I rocked back and forth on my heels as I held my hands behind my back and studied her. She made the first move and ran at me which I quickly dodged, I faced away from her and grinned from ear to ear at the crowd. I could feel her gaze on me and I did a backflip. She caught me as I wrapped my legs around her neck and flipped us so she landed on her back and I was hovering above her face, with my thighs pressing against either side of her cheeks. I moved next to her and stood up to watch her, she quickly got up and lunged at me. She caught me off guard by kicking me into the turnbuckles. with a groan I held my back and blinked some tears and sweat away.

The match was coming to an end, we were both exhausted and the announcers commented on both of our unwillingness to give up. I was getting frustrated by the announcers and wanted this over, I kept forward and Rhea caught me before slamming me into the mat. I whimpered and she picked me up, finishing with the riptide before the ref counted three. The crowd screamed with happiness and I laid there, I was tired and stressed out by this match.

I sat up and took the mic that was thrown into the ring, She looked down at me as she held a smirk. I slowly rose as I caught my breath to speak.

"Rhea, congratulations on beating me. I guess you get to have what you want." The ref handed her a mic, she stared at me for a second before bringing the mic to het lips. "Indeed I do-" she paused and smiled at me "I'd still take the date, however, I'd also like to team up. You and Me against-" another pause and I dreaded what came next. "Shayna Baszler!" I dropped my face and stared at her for a long time before Shays music started playing.

I'm so sorry but there will be a part 2
:( i didn't wanna make it too long but I also wanted to get details in. I will update quickly though. Thank you for reading as well. <333

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