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Dimentio stood amongst the God of Stores. A god whom was masked by a cloak. He and Dimentio stood at a circle, both holding orbs. One tagged 'Wal' and the other 'Mart'. Dimentio looked up towards the God with a stern yet unsteady expression. The God stared back.

"Are you certain this is a good idea to dispel such an evil...?" Dimentio asked, his face expressing an uncertainty. The God nodded, looking back towards the orbs. "Once both orbs are fused together, we can take the newly formed Store Core and banish it below. Walmart is an evil none should reckon with."

"But, Storterous! There could be another way."

"It's already gotten into your mind... Trying to reason and find another way for it to continue on. Vanquish the thought and press on. We must rid the world of this evil." He held the orb closer towards the one Dimentio held, staring him sternly into the eyes. Dimentio bit his lip, unsure. He thought back to all the casualities and horrible things done in such a place. He couldn't stand by and allow another innocent soul taken by the cursed building. He took both of the orbs and fused them together. Storterous nodded with a smile of support. He took out a book and flipped to a page.

"By the name of the Stores, may the evil be dispelled. Let the Evil within this building be banished towards Hell!" A sudden gust of wind whisked the room as Storterous raised his hand towards the orb and a portal opened below Dimentio's carefully cupped hands that held the orb. Dimentio looked up towards the God for confirmation.

"Do it, Dimentio! Banish the evil!" He commanded. Dimentio nodded and closed his eyes tight, dropping the orb into the portal and immediately the portal closed and the wind stopped. Dimentio opened one eye and looked at his empty hands. It was over. He looked over towards Storterous and nodded. "Thank you....Storterous."