When his parents notice handcuff marks on your wrist given by your C.A.H

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Y/N : Mom , Dad...the dinner is ready!!
"As mom, dad and taehyung came I served the food.."
Mrs.kim : well y/n and taehyung it's been 1 year since y'all got married so...I mean what's your plan about having a baby.. aren't y'all going to have one..

"My nervousness was getting leveled up...I didn't know what to say..as me and taehyung never went into such contact's...so having a baby wasn't in our vocabulary...as I knew what exactly Happen in our room when we both are alone.."

Taehyung :  *coughs* Mom...we shouldn't rush so much...
Mr.kim : Your mom is right...how much time do y'all need...even we both are craving for your baby...we want to see your children before we die..
Y/N : yes we can understand but...*hesitates*
Mrs.Kim : No but and all....we want a cute little baby to play with...
Taehyung : okay!!

"What!!!...I widened my eyes looking at him..."

Taehyung : okay I have done eating...y/n let's go in our room..
Y/N : aahh no I'm not full tho and I have to clean everything first...
Mr.kim : y/n go up...it's fine..I'll help your mom to clean up everything..
Mrs.kim : yes..we will take care of the mess..and waiting for a good news..*smiles*
Y/N : y-yeahh!!! *Nervous*

"I went up with him..I knew what's gonna happen so I made my footstep little slow...but this jerk realized it very fast...he turned his gaze to me as he was angry he gave me furious look...I looked down and started to make faster..."


"The time we reached he closed the door and slammed me on the wall... holding my hands tightly.."

Taehyung : so...it was your plan right...so that you come close to me... Don't dream miss y/n coz it's never gonna happen..
Y/N : I didn't tell anything to mom and dad...after I know that you hate me so much why would I even dare to tell them anything...
Taehyung : better...and yeahh do something about this baby..
Y/N : what I can do alone...you will have to co-operate...
Taehyung : aaish...I didn't mean that...fake around that you are pregnant and get a aborted baby in the hospital when your delivery date will be...
Y/N : what??...how can I fake around like that...your mom and dad loves me..and I love them too...I can't do this sorry!!
Taehyung : okay fine then...be ready to get divorced..but first I'll tell everything to them..that in this 1 year we had nothing...we don't even have feelings for each other..then how can we give baby to them...
Y/N : huh!!...plz don't do that..you will hurt their feelings...
Taehyung : then do as I say..
Y/N : okay!!
Taehyung : as always sleep on the couch and I'll sleep on the bed...
Y/N : well it's not something new...

"I went and slept on the couch as he went to sleep on the bed...I was doing my best to fall asleep but I couldn't...so I went out for some air...it was cold outside as I started to rub my hands to feel warm but them I felt someone  covering me with a blanket from behind...I turned back to look who it was..and I was shocked to know that it was Mom.."

Mrs.Kim : y/n...is there something you are tensed off??
Y/N : *hesitate* n-no nothing.. happened?
Mrs.Kim : y/n I can clearly see it in your eyes that there is something you are tensed about!!
Y/N : *looks down* Mom-...
Mrs.Kim : is it about taehyung??
Y/N : yes *nodded* Mom i don't think we can make your wish come true...
Mrs.Kim : What do you mean??
Y/N : I can't give y'all a baby!! *She said as tears rolled down her eyes*
Mrs.Kim : what??
Y/N : we were never into such contact's...

"She was about add further when someone called out her name.."

??? : Y/N???
Mrs.Kim : taehyung??
Taehyung : Mom...you are still awake... Don't you remember what doctor said...that you need to have proper sleep...
Mrs.Kim : Yes I know...*smiles and leaves*

"I looked down coz I couldn't make eye contact with him as he was really angry that...he gave me angry look and went in our bedroom..."

"After he went inside I moved in too...I didn't say anything and went to sleep on the couch..."

"I closed my eyes...but then I felt hands goin in which was trying to carry me..I startled at the moment and was scared a bit...he threw me on the bed and hand cuffed me..I was praying him to let me go..but he wasn't ready to let go..."

"But he hovered on me and said.."

Taehyung : you think I will not come to know what you were going to tell my mom...are you planning to kill her..
Y/N : but taehyung-...
Taehyung : *kept his finger on her lips* shuuu... don't say a word or else you will have to pay the consequences.....
I was scared as how he was being like that ...it wasn't strange at all..as his anger is on the next level...he doesn't realize what he says or does when he is angry...but the target to get his anger flushed was always me...

He went and slept on the bed leaving me handcuffed...
Next morning
Taehyung's POV
I got up as the sun light flashed on my eyes...I went and removed her handcuff so that she goes down at time..I felt bad for her as she got a mark on her wrist because of me...but "I don't care tho , she deserves it"...after removing I went and slept again...

"End of taehyung's pov"

Y/n's pov
I woke up and saw there was no handcuff but a mark left on my wrist which was because I was handcuffed for the whole night...I got up and went to freshen myself...

"I went down to make the breakfast..."


Mrs.Kim : well y/n can you pass me the juice??

"I passed them the juice jar but then dad's eyes went on my hands.."

Mr.Kim : y/n your hand *pints at her hands while she tries to cover it*
Mrs.Kim : *clears her throat* Y/N can you give me water plz..
Y/N : yes sure mom..

"I went in the kitchen to bring water as the jar in which the water was...was empty..do I had to get it from the kitchen..but when I was heading back I saw them talking and giggling...I knew they were thinking about the mark which was on my hand...they must been thinking that it's Mark about something good had Happen but I know what exactly happened yesterday which got my wrist filled with Mark..."

To be continued 💜

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