balls in danger...😂

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"I went in the kitchen to bring water as the jar in which the water was...was I had to get it from the kitchen..but when I was heading back I saw them talking and giggling...I knew they were thinking about the mark which was on my hand...they must been thinking that it's Mark about something good had Happen but I know what exactly happened yesterday which got my wrist filled with Mark..."

Y/N : mom your water* hands her the water*
Mrs.Kim : thanks by the way..after having your breakfast come in my room...
Y/N : okay!!
Taehyung : mom what is it...
Mom : are you a a lady don't interrupt..
Taehyung : fine...
Mr.Kim : It's okay then let also the are gent's talk begin..*smiles looking at tae*
Taehyung : yeahh!!

"After I finished my work I went to my mom's she called me earlier.."

Y/N : Mom??*Knocked the door*
Mrs.Kim : yes come in..
Y/N : mom you wanted to talk to me right??what it is about??
Mom : come sit her *Removes something from her drawer* Take this..
Y/N : mom what is it mom?? : I booked a ticket to Australia..for I know how hard is it for you to balance I thought of giving you a free space..I know how hard it is when you don't actually want to smile but you have to coz of your just forget about something and freshen up your will feel better..
Y/N : but mom...
Mrs.Kim : so let's make a promise...
Y/N : what promise mom??
Mrs.Kim : promise me that you will not take his harsh words anymore and keep it within yourself...but give him a Savage answer and shut him up...
Y/N : can I really do that??
Mrs.Kim : yes off course now you don't have to think about us...coz we are fine...coz people like taehyung deserve to be treated same...I hope you will change his bad attitude towards you...
Y/N : yes I will!!!!...*hugs her tightly*


Taehyung : dad what must be that lady talk about??
Mr.Kim : yaah  don't think about thier talks but about your future...
Taehyung : what do you mean??
Mr.Kim : take this *hands him a envelope*
Taehyung : *opens it* Ticket to Australia...but why??
Mr.Kim : see I know it must have been tiering for you to always take care of your family and not having enough time to spend I thought of giving you this gift...go and enjoy..*smile*
Taehyung : thanks Dad *smiles and hugs him*
Mr.Kim : well taehyung...y/n has nothing to do with this marriage...she was also against it just like was us you both's parents who forcefully got you both I hope you don't take out your anger on our little y/n..she is really nice she deserve only happiness..
Taehyung : *feels guilty* yes dad...
At night
Taehyung : y/n I have an important meeting to attend so I have to go abroad..
Y/N : okay!!.

"Aisshh thank God he is now I don't have to think about what if he comes to know about me going Australia too"

Next day
Taehyung : mom , dad I'm going...
Mrs.Kim : yes take care...
Taehyung : bye *hugs his parents and leaves*

"After taehyung went I also went upstairs to freshen up my self...but then suddenly I heard some noise..coming from I went out so as mom and dad.."

Media : So taehyung is true that you don't believe in your marriage...
Taehyung : what are y'all talking about??
Media : you are a famous businessman so it must be easy to get divorced right as you have so much one can harm your reputation..
Y/N : who said that?? *I said as i raised my voice*
Media : you don't have to hide anything tell us about he treats you..
Y/N : I'm not hiding anything...why would he do anything to me when he is soon to be a dad...
Taehyung : *stares at her in shock while his eyes were widen* uhh..
Uhhh...I was hella nervous after saying that coz taehyung looking at me with shock expression was making me nervous...I held it back and spoke to them...
Media : is it true??
Y/N : well yes it's true...and I don't think y'all should interrupt in someone's family matter like please y'all can leave...
After y/n's words everyone went from there... Taehyung wanted to talk to y/n but he couldn't because of his father...
Mr.Kim : taehyung hurry up go or else you will miss the flight..
Taehyung : okay!!...but..
Mrs.Kim : taehyung you are already late you should go now...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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